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In this video interview Perth Partner, Liz Macknay, sat down with Craig Colvin SC, one of the founders of the Perth Centre for Energy and Resources Arbitration (PCERA) to discuss what he is seeing in the resources sector, particularly in relation to dispute resolution. 

Craig Colvin SC, Co-founder, Perth Centre for Energy and Resources Arbitration (PCERA).

Despite a significant number of commercial disputes in Western Australia, and in the energy and resources sector, being resolved by arbitration, not many are seated in WA. PCERA is looking to change that and to offer innovative ways of assisting those in the resources sector to resolve disputes quickly and cost effectively, with arbitrators/adjudicators who actually have experience in and understand the sector. 

Perth should be an attractive place for international arbitration, particularly for those disputes centred around energy and resources, because of the “dramatic growth in Perth of law firms with international connections” and the ready access to “engineers, geologists and mine managers with world class skills and expertise”, says Craig. In his words: “The key to good commercial arbitration is the involvement of people with an understanding of the industry and the nature of the commercial issues that arise.”

PCERA, in particular, is committed to innovation in arbitration in the energy and resources sector, looking to harness the local talent and expertise with a new collaborative expert dispute resolution process. They are also working on a set of rules specifically for commodity price disputes. 

To find out more, check out the video interview.

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