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On 4 May 2016, Treasury released a consultation proposal for the technology neutral distribution of company meeting notices and materials. This article discusses the proposed reforms which would increase flexibility for distribution of particular shareholder documents by means of digital services such as SMS, email and mobile apps.
Treasury has released a consultation proposal for the "technology neutral" distribution of company meeting notices and materials.1 These reforms would increase flexibility for distribution of notices of meeting, and perhaps other documents such as scheme booklets, by means of digital services such as SMS, email and mobile apps.
The reform proposals are welcome, to save companies time and money. We support the broadest flexibility of the changes, including its extension to other shareholder documents such as scheme booklets and notices of takeover related meetings – and would welcome them being extended further again, for example to bidder’s statements and target’s statements.
Currently, the default distribution method under the Corporations Act for notices of meeting is either personally or by post. Although other methods are available by shareholder’s election including electronic address or electronic means, these are technology-specific and give limited flexibility to move with changes in technology.
For schemes of arrangement, at present, a court order is required if a target company wishes to send scheme booklets to members in electronic form, such as by email with a hyperlink to the scheme booklet. The courts take the same approach as for notices of meeting, restricting use of this method to members that have previously consented unless it is provided for in the target’s constitution.
The proposed changes would allow companies to serve notices of meeting by using one or more of the following methods set out below. If a company would like to change its communication method to Method A, B or C, then it must first notify its shareholders of the method(s) it wishes to adopt by using the channel it currently uses to communicate with the relevant shareholder.
Treasury is consulting on the details of the proposal, including the ability of a company to impose a method on shareholders and what a company should do if they do not have the shareholder’s contact details required for an alternative communication method.
Those shareholders who are sufficiently keen to actually read the information provided by a company can typically readily find it – whether on the internet or by calling the company or a designated information line. So we suggest that whatever digital means of communication will bring it to the attention of shareholders widely, and allow those who wish to do so to read the information – with the least cost to the company practicable - should be facilitated by the law. We therefore welcome the proposed changes and their expansion to other shareholder documents such as schemes booklets, and would support increasing flexibility to communicate takeover documents, including bidder’s statements and target’s statements, by digital means.
The contents of this publication are for reference purposes only and may not be current as at the date of accessing this publication. They do not constitute legal advice and should not be relied upon as such. Specific legal advice about your specific circumstances should always be sought separately before taking any action based on this publication.
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