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Following the UK referendum on EU membership, businesses have no alternative but to prepare for the UK's exit from the EU.  

Our "at a glance" guide, the third in our series, highlights over two pages some key issues raised by the UK's withdrawal from the EU for insurance intermediaries.

Our earlier "at a glance" briefings, which focus on insurance and reinsurance companies, are:

The Herbert Smith Freehills Brexit hub contains a range of material on the implications of Brexit for businesses.

If you would like to speak to us about any of the legal and regulatory issues raised by Brexit, please contact a member of our team.

Key contacts

Barnaby Hinnigan photo

Barnaby Hinnigan

Partner, London

Barnaby Hinnigan
Paul Lewis photo

Paul Lewis

Joint Managing Partner, Disputes, London

Paul Lewis
Alison Matthews photo

Alison Matthews

Consultant, London

Alison Matthews

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Insurance Barnaby Hinnigan Paul Lewis Alison Matthews