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The government has announced that it intends the UK to become a “global Britain” following its exit from the EU, with the negotiation and conclusion of new free trade agreements (FTAs) with third countries high on the UK’s agenda. 

Countries mentioned as potential trade partners with the UK include the US, Canada, Australia, the People’s Republic of China, Brazil and the Gulf states.

This article outlines the basics of reciprocal FTAs and the World Trade Organization (WTO) rules applicable to these agreements. Since the UK is a WTO member in its own right and will continue to be following its exit from the EU, WTO rules will be relevant to any

FTAs that it concludes. This article does not specifically consider issues that might arise in relation to a UK FTA with the EU.

Click here to view the article

Note: This article first appeared in the April 2017 issue of PLC Magazine (


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