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In two recent Takeovers Panel decisions relating to Yancoal’s US$2.5 billion capital raising, the Panel considered whether state owned enterprises of the same country are associates for the purposes of takeover and substantial holding rules. The Panel also considered whether a “heavy” rights issue will create unacceptable circumstances where minority shareholders have the ability to maintain or increase their voting power. Sensible and pragmatic conclusions were reached on both points. In this article we consider the key issues raised in the Panel’s reasons.
On 1 August 2017, Yancoal announced a capital raising comprising:
The capital raising was undertaken to provide funding for Yancoal’s acquisition of Coal & Allied Industries Limited (Coal & Allied) from wholly owned subsidiaries of Rio Tinto Limited for US$2.69 billion.
Relevant features of the entitlement offer included the following:
Yanzhou also held subordinated capital notes (SCNs) convertible into Yancoal shares and made a commitment to convert as many SCNs as was permitted, having regard to a previous order made by the Panel restricting Yanzhou’s ability to convert SCNs without minority shareholder approval if its voting power would increase above 78%.1
The combined effect of the placement and the conversion of Yanzhou’s SCNs would reduce Yanzhou’s percentage holding in Yancoal to approximately 65% (assuming the capital raising was fully subscribed) and the holdings of existing shareholders would be diluted if they did not take up their full entitlements and apply for additional shares up to their “guaranteed allocation”.
On 8 August 2017 two Yancoal shareholders, Senrigan Capital Management Ltd and Mr Nicholas R. Taylor (Senrigan), applied to the Panel for a declaration of unacceptable circumstances. On 9 August 2017 two further Yancoal shareholders, Mt Vincent Holdings Pty Ltd and Osendo Pty Ltd (Noble), applied to the Panel for a declaration of unacceptable circumstances.
Although Senrigan and Noble made separate submissions to the Panel, their submissions both contained the following key allegations:
On 14 August 2017, the initial Panel decided not to conduct proceedings in relation to Senrigan and Noble’s applications on the grounds that there was no reasonable prospect that the Panel would make a declaration of unacceptable circumstances. The reasons for the initial Panel’s decision were as follows:
On 16 August 2017, Senrigan and Noble commenced review Panel proceedings seeking orders setting aside the initial Panel’s order on the basis that (among other submissions):
In a decision dated 21 August 2017, the review Panel declined to conduct proceedings on the grounds that there was no reasonable prospect it would make a finding of unacceptable circumstances, citing the following reasons:
Since the Panel declined to conduct proceedings, they did not make a final adjudication on the applicants’ submissions. However, the Panel’s discussion in both decisions provides useful guidance on two important issues:
Although some specific statutes (for example the Foreign Acquisitions and Takeovers Act 1975 (Cth)) aggregate the interests of SOEs of the same country, it has been unclear whether SOEs of the same country will be considered “associates” for the purposes of the takeover and substantial holding rules contained in the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) (Corporations Act), or whether this depends on the laws of the relevant country and the behaviour and arrangements of the parties. The Panel’s decisions make it clear that the latter is the correct position.
The review Panel framed the question as one of “whether common governmental ownership or control of SOEs makes them associates (or may otherwise give rise to unacceptable circumstances)”, although in fact submissions made by Yancoal and Yanzhou denied the existence of common governmental control, at least of Yankuang/Yanzhou and Cinda,4 on the basis that they were SOEs of different arms of Chinese government (provincial and central) without any common controller, as well as denying any substantive or practical association.
The two Panel decisions suggest that SOEs of the same country will not automatically be considered associates (or at least will not be automatically be considered associates in a sense giving rise to unacceptable circumstances) simply because a foreign government entity (such as the Chinese State Council) may theoretically be in a position to exert some level of control over those SOEs’ decisions.5 Although Senrigan submitted that the State Council had the capacity to control both Cinda and Yankuang/Yanzhou, and that this was sufficient to form an association, the review Panel stated that “[o]nly a court can conclusively determine” whether the State Council’s level of control gives rise to a breach of law, noting arguments that any control might be simply “the legislative or regulatory powers that any state has”.6 The review Panel further stated that “[o]ur concern is whether there are unacceptable circumstances in relation to the affairs of Yancoal, which may be the case whether or not there is a contravention of the [Corporations] Act”.7
The review Panel’s reasons indicate that in order to show unacceptable circumstances an applicant will need to show the following in relation to association:
Without such material, the review Panel stated that they would be “reluctant to find unacceptable circumstances solely on the basis of a notion or presumption of common control of SOEs at the highest levels of a foreign government”.8
It is not clear from the Panel’s reasons what level of material or evidence is required before the Panel will draw inferences to support a finding of association (although the Panel referred with approval to earlier decisions like Mt Gibson Iron Limited [2008] ATP 4 which required a “sufficient body of material” suggesting association before the Panel would make further enquiries). However, the Panel’s observations suggest that the simple fact that two entities are SOEs of the same country will be insufficient to make them associates for the purposes of the Corporations Act, and certainly that this will be insufficient of itself to establish unacceptable circumstances.
As noted above, the Panel’s decisions not to conduct proceedings do not constitute final adjudication of this issue, and in any case the Panel’s focus is on unacceptable circumstances, but they are useful reference points in focussing on substantive and practical control and in taking a sensible and pragmatic approach.
The Panel’s decisions also contain several important observations regarding “heavy” rights issues, which provide helpful guidance to listed companies when structuring capital raisings.
In particular, the decisions indicate that:
Since Yancoal’s rights issue was renounceable and included a bookbuild and shortfall facility, and the ability for minority shareholders to receive additional shares up to a “guaranteed allocation” preventing dilution, minority shareholders had the opportunity to maintain their existing percentage interest in Yancoal. The Panel found that these features constituted an “adequate dispersion strategy” for minority shareholders. Importantly, the dispersion strategy does not need to be attractive to minority shareholders; instead, the Panel suggests that, in the absence of other unacceptable circumstances,9 a highly dilutive rights issue will not be unacceptable so long as such a strategy is made available.
The review Panel also emphasised that the dilutive effect of the rights issue was an inevitable consequence of Yancoal’s decision to acquire Coal & Allied and fund that acquisition by raising additional equity (rather than requiring lenders to write off debts owed to them or raising additional debt). “Writing off” existing debt is obviously not something that an issuing company has the power to do unilaterally,10 and it was also relatively clear that Yancoal’s high gearing levels made raising additional debt unsustainable. While not expressing an overriding principle, the review Panel noted that share ownership necessarily carries the benefits and burdens associated with capital raising events, and that minority shareholders had to accept the effect of such capital raisings even if they result in “severe” dilution and a “harsh” outcome.11
In Yancoal, the rights issue was intended to raise capital for the acquisition of Coal & Allied, and as the Panel noted, the applicants did not raise any serious objection to the acquisition itself and indeed one of the applicants confirmed its support for the acquisition (which was highly accretive from a business perspective). The Panel did not clarify whether serious objections to an acquisition to be funded by a rights issue would have produced a different outcome. Nevertheless, the decisions suggest that the Panel will be reluctant to make a finding of unacceptable circumstances where an issuer launches a rights issue for the purpose of funding properly considered capital expenditure, even if the rights issue is highly dilutive, provided that adequate dispersion strategies are in place. Although the Panel did not make a final adjudication on these issues, its observations are sensible, and important for Australian listed companies structuring rights issues.
*Herbert Smith Freehills acted for Yancoal in relation to the capital raising and related Panel proceedings discussed above.
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