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Recording: Originally broadcast 21 January 2019

Without an intervening event, the UK will withdraw from the EU at 11pm on 29 March 2019.   Otherwise much remains unknown.  The negotiated withdrawal deal comprising a legally binding Withdrawal Agreement and non-binding Political Declaration is facing significant opposition in the UK and will not be submitted for parliamentary approval until next week.  Without a deal in place a "no deal" Brexit in which the UK leaves the EU abruptly, with no transition period, becomes an increasing possibility. Against this background, businesses are implementing strategies to cope with whatever is coming.

In anticipation of the negotiated withdrawal deal being defeated in the House of Commons,  on 21 January 2019 we hosted a webinar in which our experts in the fields of contracts, data protection, employment and intellectual property discussed the key steps that businesses should be taking at this late stage to prepare for a "no deal" Brexit.

If you would like to access the recording please contact us.


Key contacts

Paul Butcher photo

Paul Butcher

Director of Public Policy, London

Paul Butcher
Sarah Hawes photo

Sarah Hawes

Head of Corporate Knowledge, UK, London

Sarah Hawes
Miriam Everett photo

Miriam Everett

Partner, Global Head of Data Protection and Privacy, London

Miriam Everett
Anna Henderson photo

Anna Henderson

Knowledge Counsel, London

Anna Henderson
Rachel Montagnon photo

Rachel Montagnon

Knowledge Counsel, London

Rachel Montagnon

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London Paul Butcher Sarah Hawes Miriam Everett Anna Henderson Rachel Montagnon