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Recording - originally broadcast 11 March 2019

As negotiations between the UK and EU continue, next week looks set to be a crucial time for decision making in the UK Parliament.  The timetable looked set to be:

  • 12 March (at the latest): a second 'Meaningful Vote' on the Government's withdrawal deal, which may or may not differ from the previous iteration (Meaningful Vote 2.0).
  • 13 March (at the latest): if the 'Meaningful Vote' fails there will a motion for debate on whether the UK should leave the EU without a withdrawal agreement and a framework for a future relationship i.e. a "no deal" Brexit (No Deal day). 
  • 14 March: if Parliament rejects leaving the EU without a deal there will be motion for debate on seeking a short extension of the Article 50 two-year negotiating period (Extension day).

Given the potential importance of the votes, core member of our Brexit team,Tom Henderson (Senior Associate) hosted two webinars with Oliver Lewis, who as one of the leaders of Hanbury Strategy’s Brexit team and former adviser to various Cabinet Ministers, is well placed to share his insights on the three key votes.  Webinars will took place:

  • on Monday 11 March – which looked ahead to the three votes and potential outcomes; and
  • on Thursday 14 March – which looked back at the preceding days in Parliament and expected outcome on Extension day.

If you would like to access the recording please contact us.

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