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Annually we review unsolicited approaches and hostile takeover bids to identify emerging trends and tactics for both target Boards and bidders. The findings of the 2018 analysis are set out in this article, and come against a backdrop of an increase in unsolicited bids for large value targets, such as the Wynn Group’s proposal for Crown.
Our analysis for 2018 re-emphasises that the role for target Boards as gatekeepers in control situations is as powerful as ever.
We have reviewed unsolicited approaches and hostile takeover bids to identify emerging trends and tactics for the benefit of both target Boards and bidders. The findings of the 2018 (calendar year) analysis come against a backdrop of an increase in unsolicited approaches for large value targets, such as the Wynn Group’s proposal for Crown.
Our analysis for 2018 provides valuable insights, particularly for target Boards, and re-emphasises that the role for Board’s as gatekeepers in control situations is as powerful as ever.
An unsolicited indicative approach to the target’s Board, with the bidder requesting due diligence and a Board recommendation, continues to be the most favoured means of takeover engagement for bidders. In such circumstances, there is a carve-out to the ASX continuous disclosure regime that can typically be relied on by the target Board not to disclose the approach. However, there may be tactical benefits for the target to voluntarily disclose, such as encouraging rival bids.
In 2018, we calculate that there were 48 agreed deals which were announced without any prior disclosure of an approach, which implies that the Board decided not to announce on receipt. In the same period, there were 19 unsolicited approaches that were announced prior to a transaction being agreed.
There were three primary drivers for early disclosure by the target of an approach:
Of course, there are likely to have been many more unsolicited approaches not captured in the data above, being approaches that were rejected and not announced.
In 2018, 10 of the 19 instances where an unsolicited approach was announced resulted in a binding proposal. This ~50% overall conversion rate supports the conventional wisdom that unsolicited approaches carry risk and are best dealt with in private.
In approximately 75% of these announced approaches due diligence was granted to the bidder, suggesting that such approaches place pressure on targets to grant due diligence. Nevertheless, a formal bid eventuated in 80% of announced approaches where due diligence was undertaken.
We conclude that, if the Board has granted due diligence (indicating acceptable terms) and the bidder has proven itself sufficiently committed (either through a pre-bid action requiring disclosure or in the judgment of the Board), the prospects of a formal, binding proposal are high.
Private equity represented 11 of the 19 announced unsolicited approaches announced in 2018. This high representation largely reflects private equity’s preference for “bear-hug” strategies, designed to use public pressure on target directors to engage.
In 2018, the private equity success rates were high, with 8 of the 11 private equity proposals (72%) resulting in some form of binding proposal. This compares very favourably against the prior success rate of 45% for private equity proposals in the 3 years ending December 2017 and about 66% for all bidder types (private equity or otherwise) over that same period.
Engaging with a bidder on a proposal without an agreement to govern the process for progressing the proposal is relatively well established in Australia. However, in 2018, we saw 4 target companies enter into ‘process agreements’, which set out how the due diligence and related activities will be conducted. The agreements operated for a period of 3-6 weeks (average of 4 weeks) and, in every case in 2018 where there was a process agreement, a binding proposal eventuated. All of these process agreements involved some form of exclusivity, though the extent and structure of these varied considerably.
The practice of a bidders launching a hostile takeover bid, capable of immediate acceptance, is much less common these days, though no less confronting for the target. The hostile approach is typically reserved for smaller targets (given larger deals often need due diligence for financing arrangements).
There were 13 hostile takeover bids announced in Australia in 2018. This represents 18% of all public company transactions, which is a decline from previous years, where approximately 33% of transactions have been hostile bids.
What can we learn from hostile bids made in 2018?
Consistent with our findings over the last few years:
In 7 of the hostile bids, the offer price was increased. In 6 cases, the improved offer led to target directors recommending that shareholders accept the offer. In 2018, we calculate that directors’ recommendations created at least ~$233 million of tangible value or ~19% of the initial deal value of the targets.
Interestingly, competing bidders drove the price increase in only 2 of the 7 instances – highlighting that even absent a rival bidder the directors can drive value uplifts with their recommendations.
In 9 of the 13 hostile takeover bids, an independent expert was engaged by the target directors. The target directors in 4 instances did not commission a report.
In 7 of the 9 reports, the expert concluded the offer was ‘not fair’.1 The target Board recommended that shareholders reject the bid in all but one case (where the acquirer had close to 90% of the target and the expert concluded the offer was ‘not fair but reasonable’).
In the 2 instances where the expert concluded the offer was fair and reasonable, the target Board recommended that shareholders accept the bid simultaneously with or before the independent expert’s report was published.
The independent expert’s opinion was followed by a price increase in 5 of the 9 instances that, on average, boosted the initial bid price by ~27%. This suggests the expert’s opinion can help achieve an increased price.
There were 5 hostile bids that had a negative expert opinion were eventually successful, but all of these were eventually recommended by the Board and all followed an increase in the offer price.
The expert’s report is therefore a powerful tool to help directors defend against hostile bids and is influential on shareholders’ actions.
The data and analysis from 2018 provides insights into the practices and outcomes of Boards faced with unsolicited approaches or bids. Most importantly, Boards continue to play a critical role as gatekeeper, whether it be in controlling the process during an unsolicited approach or using their recommendation and/or ability to commission an independent expert’s report, as a value driver for shareholders.
The contents of this publication are for reference purposes only and may not be current as at the date of accessing this publication. They do not constitute legal advice and should not be relied upon as such. Specific legal advice about your specific circumstances should always be sought separately before taking any action based on this publication.
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