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In what is likely to be the most significant change to the UK restructuring and insolvency market since the Enterprise Act 2002, the Court has yesterday1 paved the way for restructuring plans under Part 26A to the Companies Act 2006 ("RPs") to be used to compromise the rights of landlords, financial creditors and other unsecured creditors provided the company shows that those creditors are "out of the money". There may even be no need to ask those compromised creditors to vote on the RP. This emphasises the very broad scope of RPs and is likely to make them a feature of the restructuring market going forward – creating very different dynamics for stakeholders. It may also place significant reliance on valuation evidence as to those creditors likely to receive a distribution in an insolvency (who are therefore "in the money").
RPs were introduced as part of the package of emergency measures introduced at the outset of the pandemic in the Corporate Insolvency and Governance Act 2020 ("CIGA"). This Act introduced RPs as a new Part 26A to the Companies Act 2006.
The main feature of an RP is that it introduced a new cross-class cram down provision which enables a company to bind dissenting classes of creditors under an RP, provided at least one class approves the RP by at least 75% by value of those present and voting. This is in stark contrast to a scheme of arrangement under Part 26 of the Companies Act which must be approved by each class of creditors. In the Virgin Active decision, the Court has for the first time had to address how it will approach sanctioning an RP when a substantial number of classes of creditors have voted overwhelmingly against the proposal.
Typically, there are two hearings in relation to an RP. The first is known as the convening hearing. At this hearing, the Court principally considers whether classes have been properly constituted and meetings of those classes of creditors ought to be convened to vote on the RP. Following the vote, the Court reviews at the sanction hearing the result of the votes and has to decide whether to sanction the RP.
The RPs at issue in this case offered different compromises to different groups of creditors: between secured lenders, landlords (further sub-divided into classes A to E), and general property creditors. Borrowing from approaches to leasehold company voluntary arrangements under Part I of the Insolvency Act 1986 ("CVAs"), landlords were offered different commercial terms relating to arrears built up during the pandemic and rent going forward based on the company's assessment of the profitability of the sites. Importantly, depending on the class to which the relevant lease was assigned, certain landlords were offered only a reduced rent going forward, de minimis payment of accrued arrears calculated to be 20% higher than the (very low) anticipated distribution in an administration, or the ability to exercise a break clause introduced by the RPs. The remainder of Virgin Active's creditors, including employees, HMRC and trade creditors, were excluded from the RPs on the basis that the plan companies considered that those creditors are essential to the day-to-day business.
The RP also imposed a compromise on the secured lenders. This was required because the Judge accepted that the company was unlikely to obtain the required support of all lenders to impose that compromise under the terms of the finance documents. There was no reduction in the principal owed to the secured lenders. There are however compromises relating to the extension of the maturity date by three years, deferral of certain interest payments, relaxation of financial covenants and introduction of a more permissive disposals regime.
Importantly, the plan companies' evidence was that the value of the business was insufficient to repay the secured debt – i.e. value "broke" in the secured debt and any unsecured creditors were "out of the money" in the sense that, were the companies to enter administration, the unsecured creditors would not obtain a recovery beyond a very small recovery from the prescribed part.
When a number of the classes of landlord or general property creditors voted against the RPs, at the sanction hearing Mr Justice Snowden was faced with the question of whether to cram down dissenting classes.
Provided these two gateway conditions are satisfied, the Court then has discretion as to whether to impose cram down.
This is a wide ranging decision that is likely to be relevant to leasehold restructurings, and, given the reasoning can be applied to very different fact patterns, financial restructurings and particularly debates between senior financial creditors, junior financial creditors and equity. For landlords, this is a particularly significant outcome given the decision in Lazari Properties v New Look [2021] EWHC 1209 handed down on Monday – which essentially rejected a root and branch challenge by a number of landlords to CVAs. Landlords may well find that RPs nevertheless become the preferred mechanism for tenants or sponsors looking to compromise liabilities in respect of leases that are not considered essential to the future of the business. As with CVAs, the remedy of forfeiture should not be capable of being excluded outright by virtue of the terms of an RP.
Perhaps most importantly, there may be a move in complex restructurings to focus on expert valuation evidence at the outset of the Part 26A process. This puts dissenting creditors in the unenviable position of needing to incur significant costs in a (likely) short period of time to consider and (if appropriate) challenge valuation evidence put forward by the company and facing an uphill battle to obtain information from the company necessary to prepare an alternative valuation or any alternative assessment of the relevant alternative.
Herbert Smith Freehills have acted in connection with a number of restructuring plans to date, including advising in connection with the restructuring plans of Virgin Active, gategroup and Virgin Atlantic
1 Re Virgin Active Holdings Limited [2021] EWHC 1246
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