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Many organisations have made important strides over the past year to challenge racism, both in the workplace and in other walks of life. Yet, there is clearly a long way to go before we reach a turning point in addressing systemic racism.

DATE: Wednesday 23 June 2021

TIME: 4-4.45pm BST

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If you require further information please contact Barbara Minich.

We launched our own 10 Actions for Change to hold ourselves accountable in our quest to become an anti-racist organisation. As part of this we continue to challenge our leaders to take action, maintain momentum and genuinely make a difference. Diversity and Inclusion is in essence, the ongoing work of leadership – and our professions will not progress without leaders leading inclusively.

We have invited John Amaechi OBE, a prominent organisational psychologist, D&I thought leader and expert on the topic of race inclusion, to speak with senior leaders at our client organisations about what anti-racism looks like and how leaders can continue to play their part in creating an inclusive society. John will cover:

  • Why it is not enough to just “not be racist”, and what anti-racism looks like
  • What actions leaders can take to demonstrate their support and make progress
  • How we can maintain momentum and keep this at the top of the agenda.

Following a successful internal session, leaders at Herbert Smith Freehills have described John Amaechi OBE as "frank, funny, fundamentally wise and at times intensely moving".

This is an essential topic for all leaders who are keen to learn how to lead more inclusively. 

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