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Welcome to the fifth edition of the Global Bank Review

Have banks, like much of the corporate world, suddenly got religion on all things environmental, social and governance (ESG)? Banks, as providers of capital and financial services, can have a significant influence on corporate behaviour. Those with even passing knowledge of finance will have noticed changing attitudes in the sector. The industry’s culture and sense of purpose have changed, if not beyond recognition since the 2000s, then more than most would have predicted. After all, it is a veteran banker in the shape of Mark Carney who has emerged as one of the most prominent business faces of climate action. You can read our about these topics and more below or download the full report, drawing on the wealth of sector experience within Herbert Smith Freehills, augmented by the contributions from our clients for which we are very grateful.


About the Global Bank Review

Launched in 2017, the Global Bank Review is an annual publication by our Global Banks Sector Group which brings together the people at Herbert Smith Freehills who live and breathe banks.

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