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Further to our last update on the establishment of the National Reconstruction Fund (NRF) in Australia, the National Reconstruction Fund Corporation (Investment Mandate) Direction 2023 (Investment Mandate) has now been released.
The purpose of the Investment Mandate is to give the National Reconstruction Fund Corporation (the Corporation) directions about its investment functions and powers to ensure it invests in priority areas that will support and improve Australia’s industry and economy and deliver a positive return to the Australian Government.
The Minister for Industry, Ed Husic and the Minister for Finance, the Hon Katy Gallagher have described the Investment Mandate as “unlocking billions of dollars in investment finance to rebuild Australia’s competitiveness across the manufacturing value chain”.
We have set out a summary of the key directions in the Investment Mandate below.
The Corporation must target a cumulative average return of 2-3 per cent above a five-year Australian Government bond rate as the benchmark return of the Corporations portfolio over the medium to long term.
Performance against the portfolio benchmark return will be measured before deducting the Corporation’s operating expenses.
The Investment Mandate Explanatory Memorandum notes that proponents should not expect to receive financing at the portfolio benchmark return as the actual returns will be risk-adjusted to reflect individual characteristics of each project, operating expenses of the Corporation, the requirement to target the benchmark return on a portfolio basis, and public policy outcomes.
It is intended that the portfolio benchmark return will be reviewed every three years to ensure it remains appropriate.
The Corporation must take a commercial approach to develop a diversified portfolio that has an acceptable but not excessive level of risk, which includes undertaking due diligence and credit and investment risk processes.
The Investment Mandate notes that an acceptable level of risk may be higher than the risk tolerance of banks and private sector investors, if the higher risk supports the objects of the National Reconstruction Fund Corporation Act 2023 (NRFC Act) and the Investment Mandate. It also states that the Corporation may take on higher risk for investments in emerging technologies and industries, investments that support national security, sovereign capability or supply chain resilience, or projects with longer term payback periods.
The Investment Mandate Explanatory Memorandum notes that it is expected this will result in short-term volatility in the Corporation’s returns, including the possibility of losses where asset performance is worse than expected. This reflects why the portfolio benchmark return will be measured over the medium to long term.
When making an investment decision, the Corporation must consider the matters set out in section 17(3A) and (4) of the NRFC Act, which includes:
The Corporation must also consider supporting sustainability and circular economy principles and solutions, regional development and national security.
The Corporation must target the following funding levels over the medium to long term:
The Investment Mandate notes that these financing levels do not correspond exactly with the priority areas specified in the National Reconstruction Fund Corporation (Priority Areas) Declaration 2023 (the Declaration) (which we outlined in our previous article) however, investments in a single priority area can count towards any other appropriate target or targets set out above.
The Corporation must consider the impacts of investment decisions on other market participants and the Australian financial market, and if reasonably practicable, avoid competing with private sector investment or other Government entities who are already supporting investment in the priority areas set out in the Declaration.
It is intended that the Corporation complement and attract additional private and public sector investment to avoid duplication. This may include co-investing where appropriate.
Section 16 to 18 of the Investment Mandate restricts the powers of the Corporation by limiting its ability to:
HSF has extensive experience acting for both government and the private sector on transactions involving the provision of grants, loans or other agreements. Please reach out to our key contacts if you have any queries.
The contents of this publication are for reference purposes only and may not be current as at the date of accessing this publication. They do not constitute legal advice and should not be relied upon as such. Specific legal advice about your specific circumstances should always be sought separately before taking any action based on this publication.
© Herbert Smith Freehills 2025
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