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We have recently seen a significant uptick in clients across the industry requiring disputes and advisory support in respect of PFI projects.  We understand this is in large part due to a change in approach from public authorities managing PFI projects, which can in turn lead to significant stress on the private sector stakeholders. 

With the expiry of legacy PFI projects on the horizon, we set out in this note a high-level guide for stakeholders to navigating through to the end of such projects.  We have included an indicative structure chart and timeline for a typical project based on recent experience and potential outcomes for the project, including in particular a Court-sanctioned restructuring plan under Part 26A of the Companies Act 2006. Through a restructuring plan, a ProjectCo could with Court approval potentially impose amendments to project documents on an Authority and a write-off of liabilities owing to the Authority.

Read the guide

Key contacts

Gavin Williams photo

Gavin Williams

Global Co-Head of Infrastructure, London

Gavin Williams
Kevin Pullen photo

Kevin Pullen

Partner, London

Kevin Pullen
John Whiteoak photo

John Whiteoak

Partner, London

John Whiteoak
Matthew Job photo

Matthew Job

Partner, London

Matthew Job
Stephen Rayfield photo

Stephen Rayfield

Partner, London

Stephen Rayfield
Tom Marshall photo

Tom Marshall

Partner, London

Tom Marshall
Alec Milne photo

Alec Milne

Senior Associate (Canada), London

Alec Milne
John Williams photo

John Williams

Of Counsel, London

John Williams

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London Dispute Resolution Restructuring, Turnaround and Insolvency Finance Corporate PPP Water and Waste Healthcare Roads Defence Social Infrastructure Infrastructure Gavin Williams Kevin Pullen John Whiteoak Matthew Job Stephen Rayfield Tom Marshall Alec Milne John Williams