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Leading global law firm Herbert Smith Freehills has advised China energy major ENN Ecological Holdings Co. Ltd on its first acquisition in the United States' liquefied natural gas (LNG) market.


ENN has acquired the rights to a 20-year liquefaction tolling agreement with Texas-based Freeport LNG from Japan's Toshiba Corporation. The contract guarantees access to around 2.2 million tonnes of US LNG each year.

The transaction is also the first investment by a private Chinese company in the US LNG market and is subject to regulatory approvals.

"China's consumption of LNG is rising dramatically year on year as it switches to cleaner sources of power," said partner Hilary Lau, who led the Herbert Smith Freehills team advising ENN.  "This is a landmark deal for ENN, and strengthens its position as one of China's leading clean energy suppliers."

Located on the Texas coast, Freeport LNG is one of the first and largest US exporters of LNG. With the massive increase in US shale gas production for export, the facility is adding three liquefaction trains to its existing import facility. The project will export over 15 million tonnes of LNG per annum once it comes fully on line in Q3 2019.

"This major transaction demonstrates our ability to complete complex first-in-market energy deals for Asian clients working in competitive global markets," said Asia managing partner Justin D'Agostino. "The strength of our energy team across the globe helped ENN secure this essential LNG supply from one of the US' largest suppliers."

Hilary was assisted from China by partner Monica Sun, senior associates James Zhang and Calvin Ho, associates Charles Wong and Quijie Tan, and trainee Kaiwen Sun.

In New York, senior associates Marianna Schneider and Micaela McLean advised on New York law issues, and visiting associates Paola Ordonez Arias and Natalia Mauad also assisted with due diligence review.

New York counsel Jonathan Cross and Hong Kong associate Howard Chan advised on competition and regulatory aspects of the transaction.

External counsel Jones Walker advised on US pensions, employment and regulatory law, while Richards Layton & Finger provided Delaware law support.


新奥股份将从日本东芝公司(Toshiba Corporation)手中受让一项与Freeport LNG为期20年的液化加工协议。根据该合同,新奥股份每年将从美国获得约220万吨的液化天然气。



Freeport LNG位于德克萨斯州,是美国最早、规模最大的液化天然气出口项目之一。随着美国页岩气产量大幅增加,Freeport LNG正在原有的进口设施上增建三个液化天然气生产线;在2019年第三季度陆续投产后,该项目的年出口能力将超过1500万吨液化天然气。

史密夫斐尔亚洲管理合伙人Justin D'Agostino表示:“该交易创造了市场先例,充分体现了我们在激烈竞争的全球市场环境下为亚洲客户完成复杂能源交易的实力。我们的全球能源团队密切协作,助力新奥股份从美国最大液化天然气项目获得这一重要的供应保障。”


史密夫斐尔纽约办公室高级律师Marianna Schneider和Micaela McLean就纽约法事务提供支持;访问律师Paola Ordonez Arias和Natalia Mauad协助开展尽职调查工作。

纽约办公室资深顾问Jonathan Cross和香港办公室律师陈孝廉就此次交易的竞争法和监管事宜提供支持。

美国当地律师事务所Jones Walker就美国养老金、劳动法及监管事务提供支持;Richards Layton & Finger 就特拉华州法律方面提供协助。


Key contacts

Hilary Lau photo

Hilary Lau

Partner, Hong Kong

Hilary Lau
Monica Sun photo

Monica Sun

Partner, Mainland China

Monica Sun
Marianna Schneider photo

Marianna Schneider

Senior Associate, Brisbane

Marianna Schneider
Jonathan Cross photo

Jonathan Cross

Partner, New York

Jonathan Cross

Media contact

For further information on this article please contact

Sally Greig

Head of Communications, Asia

Hong Kong

Media contact

For further information on this article please contact

Rachel Losowski

Rachel Losowski, Public Relations Manager

New York

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Mainland China Hong Kong New York Mergers and Acquisitions Energy Mergers and Acquisitions Energy Oil and Gas Hilary Lau Monica Sun Marianna Schneider Jonathan Cross