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Leading international law firm Herbert Smith Freehills has advised CITIC Securities, Citigroup and Goldman Sachs as joint sponsors of Onewo Inc. (02602.HK)'s listing on the Main Board of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.

Onewo is a leading property management service provider in China. According to Frost & Sullivan, Onewo ranked first in China’s property management services market in 2021 in terms of basic property management service revenue, holding a market share of 4.28%. Drawing on its brand strength and service quality, the company has expanded its business beyond property management and become a leading service provider with a growth model built upon the synergy of businesses across community, commercial and urban spaces, serving a diverse array of properties such as residential communities, workspaces and public premises, and a broad customer base covering property owners, corporate and other institutional clients.

A unit of developer China Vanke Group (02202.HK; 000002.SZ), Onewo listed on 29 September 2022 and raised net proceeds of HK$5.6 billion through the global offering (without taking consideration of any exercise of the over-allotment option), making it one of the largest Hong Kong IPOs this year.

"We are delighted to have worked with Onewo, one of the leading property services providers, on its successful listing on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange," said Hong Kong partner Jeremy Shen. "We congratulate the company and the joint sponsors on this successful IPO."

Herbert Smith Freehills leads the market in advising sponsors and underwriters on Hong Kong IPOs, with 11 IPOs successfully listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in the past 12 months.

"We have a proven record of advising Chinese companies seeking listings, and we look forward to continuing to support issuers and sponsors on their fundraising activities," said Herbert Smith Freehills joint operation partner Stanley Xie.

"Our three-decade China capital market capability works across a broad range of sectors," said Hong Kong senior registered foreign lawyer Jin Kong. "Onewo infuses technology solutions into its property management services, and we look forward to working with many more companies which look beyond the status quo, shaping and leading in their industries through innovation."

Partners Jeremy, Stanley and Jin jointly led the team advising the joint sponsors, assisted by registered foreign lawyer Ariel Lin, associates Angela Yuen, Bryan Cheung, Reagan Li, registered foreign lawyers Sean Gao and Haiyun Chen, associate Sean Ji, and legal assistants Kate Lam and Han Ye. Hong Kong partner Matt Emsley, London partner Tom O'Neill and Singapore partner Xavier Amadei also provided support on this deal. Associates Ting Wang and Christina Wang, trainee solicitor Michelle Wu, legal assistants Jessica Lu and Tiffany Chan provided assistance.

Legal manager Marine Jin led Herbert Smith Freehills Kewei Joint Operation’s Alternative Legal Services business to provide high-efficiency solutions for verification and other document-intensive processes during the listing, assisted by legal specialist Ling Jiang, senior legal analyst Shawna Peng and legal analysts Chunqin Li and Huaqian Zhang.



万物云是房地产开发商万科(02202.HK; 000002.SZ)旗下公司,于2022年9月29日在香港联交所上市,通过全球发行募集了56亿港元(未考虑行使超额配售权),使其成为今年香港规模最大的IPO之一。



科伟史密夫斐尔联营办公室合伙人谢守德(Stanley Xie)表示:“我们在为寻求上市的中国公司提供咨询方面保持着优秀记录,期待继续为发行人和保荐人就融资活动提供支持。”

史密夫斐尔香港办公室合伙人(高级注册外国律师)孔瑾(Jin Kong)表示:“史密夫斐尔30多年的中国资本市场业务横跨众多行业领域。万物云将技术解决方案融入其物业管理服务,我们希望与更多企业合作,助力他们在拓展前行的道路上通过创新塑造并引领行业发展。”

合伙人沈志良、谢守德和孔瑾率领律师团队为此次上市的联席保荐人提供法律服务。主要团队成员包括林苡萱(Registered Foreign Lawyer)、阮颖欣(Associate)、张皓阳(Associate)、李晓剑(Associate)、高炜华(Registered Foreign Lawyer)、陈海韵(Registered Foreign Lawyer)、季晓源(Associate)、林乐彤(Legal Assistant)和叶晗(Legal Assistant)。香港办公室合伙人艾迈修、伦敦办公室合伙人Tom O'Neill、和新加坡办公室合伙人Xavier Amadei也为此次上市提供了建议。王婷(Associate)、汪永芳(Associate)、吴俞阳(Trainee Solicitor)、卢嘉铮(Legal Assistant)和陈可宜(Legal Assistant)提供支持。

金燊(Legal Manager)率领的科伟史密夫斐尔联营办公室替代性法律服务(ALT)联合团队在上市项目期间为招股书验证及其他文件密集型工作提供高效率的解决方案。江凌(Legal Specialist)、彭祺程(Senior Legal Analyst)、李纯沁(Legal Analyst)和张华倩(Legal Analyst)提供支持。


Key contacts

Jeremy Shen photo

Jeremy Shen

Partner, Hong Kong

Jeremy Shen
Stanley Xie photo

Stanley Xie

Partner, Beijing, Mainland China

Stanley Xie
Jin Kong photo

Jin Kong

Senior Foreign Registered Lawyer (USA – New York), Hong Kong

Jin Kong

Media contact

For further information on this article please contact

Sally Greig

Head of Communications, Asia

Hong Kong

Media contact

For further information on this article please contact

Vivian Huang

Communications Manager, China


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Mainland China Hong Kong Equity Capital Markets Capital Markets Jeremy Shen Stanley Xie Jin Kong