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International leading law firm Herbert Smith Freehills and its China joint operation partner Kewei have advised Fosun-controlled Hainan Mining Co. Limited on its USD 117.75 million investment in the Bougouni Lithium project in Mali, in a transaction with Kodal Minerals Plc, a lithium focused development and exploration company. 

全球领先的律师事务所史密夫室斐尔及其中国联营律师事务所科伟就复星集团控股的海南矿业股份有限公司 (海南矿业) 以1,775万美元投资马里的Bougouni锂矿项目提供法律咨询。交易对方是Kodal Minerals Plc (KOD),专注于锂矿勘探和开发。

The transaction was made through Hainan Mining's subsidiary Xinmao Investment Co. Limited and includes the acquisition of 14.81% of newly issued shares in Kodal Minerals (USD 17.75 million) by Hainan Mining as well as the majority stake (51%) in Kodal Minerals' newly incorporated subsidiary, Kodal Mining UK (USD 94.340 million). Kodal Mining UK will hold all mining and exploration rights to the Bougouni Mine. The transaction also includes the provision of a USD 5.66 million shareholder loan by Xinmao to Kodal Mining UK.

The investment package will fund the development and launch of production at the Bougouni Mine and support an exploration and development programme for gold in Mali and Ivory Coast. This transaction reflects the current attractiveness of lithium resources, driven by increasing demand for electric vehicles and computer batteries.

Herbert Smith Freehills Kewei has advised Hainan Mining with a team jointly led by Kewei international partner Gavin Guo (Shanghai), and Herbert Smith Freehills partners Rebecca Major (Paris) and Robert Moore (London), and composed of Herbert Smith Freehills associates Amorkor Amartey (Paris) and Georgie Crawford (London), and Kewei senior consultant Angela Zhao (Shanghai).

The team also worked with Mali local counsel, Fatoumata Sidibe Diarra at FSD Conseil.

海南矿业全资子公司香港鑫茂投资有限公司之全资子公司Xinmao Investment Co., Limited (鑫茂投资) 作为本次交易的投资主体,拟通过现金1,775万美元认购KOD向鑫茂投资增发的14.81%股份,并以现金9,434万美元增资持有KOD全资子公司Kodal Mining UK (KMUK) 51%股权。在此次交易完成后,KMUK将持有KOD下属所有在马里的锂矿资产,包含勘探权及采矿权。同时,鑫茂投资拟向KMUK提供566万美元的股东借款。


科伟律师事务所上海办公室资深国际顾问郭武汉、史密夫斐尔巴黎办公室合伙人Rebecca Major 和伦敦办公室合伙人Robert Moore 联合领导本所律师团队为海南矿业提供咨询。史密夫斐尔巴黎办公室Amorkor Amartey (Associate)、伦敦办公室Georgie Crawford (Associate),以及科伟上海办公室资深顾问赵秋丹提供支持。

本所与马里本地律所Fatoumata Sidibe Diarra就FSD Conseil方面进行合作。

Key contacts

Gavin Guo photo

Gavin Guo

Partner, Kewei, Mainland China

Gavin Guo
Rebecca Major photo

Rebecca Major

Partner, Paris

Rebecca Major
Robert Moore photo

Robert Moore

Partner, London

Robert Moore

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Mainland China Paris London Corporate Mergers and Acquisitions Mining Gavin Guo Rebecca Major Robert Moore