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On 5 January 2011, the Insurance Institute of London launched its latest book, 'Alternative Dispute Resolution in Practice', to which Herbert Smith litigation partners Alexander Oddy and Chris Foster and associates Sam Vardy and Claire Goodwin made a major contribution.In 2007, the Institute tasked a research study group with producing a practical guide to the use of ADR in the insurance and reinsurance industries. The group was made up of a number of insurance and reinsurance industry practitioners, together with lawyers for the industry. Alexander Oddy was appointed secretary of the group and general editor, and also contributed several chapters, whilst Chris Foster, Sam Vardy and Claire Goodwin drafted significant portions of the 300 page book. The launch of the book, at the Old Library at Lloyd's in London, was attended by over 200 people from the London insurance market.

This book is believed to be the first ADR text dedicated to the insurance and reinsurance industry. In his foreword to the text, Lord Woolf describes it as a "most valuable" book, that "will fill a real need of those in the insurance industry for a practical, reliable and easily understood handbook on the contribution ADR, and in particular mediation, can make to resolving the disputes with which they are inevitably involved".

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