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On 21 May 2012, the Tax disputes team hosted  a client event on "Handling enquiries and avoiding and resolving disputes".

Heather Gething, Partner, Head of tax planning and tax disputes at Herbert Smith (Solicitor Advocate and CEDR Accredited Mediator), Sir Gavin Lightman, former High Court judge and experienced mediator, Val Hennelly, Head of CDR, HMRC, and Felicity Cullen QC, Grays Inn Tax Chambers addressed a group of practitioners from HMRC, leading, banks, insurance companies, energy majors, TMT companies, and public sector bodies regarding HMRC's new arrangements for the settlement of disputes by way of ADR. Chaired by Heather Gething, Val Hennelly covered the tools available to HMRC to settle disputes with large businesses outside of the tribunal process by way of cooperative dispute resolution, Sir Gavin Lightman discussed disputes which are more suitable for resolution by mediation rather than determination by the Tribunal, and Felicity Cullen QC addressed the public law limitations on HMRC's ability to compromise.

If you have any questions regarding the use of ADR in tax disputes please contact Heather Gething (; +44 20 7466 2346).


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