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A convention being held next month at the Guildhall, London, on Shaping the Future of International Dispute Resolution will bring together an extensive cross-section of ADR and arbitration service providers, corporate users and thought leaders to discuss the future direction of international dispute resolution (IDR) mechanisms.

The Lord Mayor of London is supporting the convention as the keynote speaker and Herbert Smith Freehills is delighted to be the platinum sponsor.

Organised by the International Mediation Institute, the IDR Group and the Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution, the convention has been brought together with the cooperation of a host of other leading ADR and arbitration institutions and users from across the globe (listed below).   With panellists and speakers from BP, Shell, BT, Standard Chartered Bank, GE, Orange, Marks and Spencer, Hinduja Group, Thales and Northrop Grumman, this will be an occasion for corporate users of ADR and arbitration to discuss with their peers – and to influence - the way forward for IDR.

In particular, the convention will consider:

  • What do users need from international mediation and arbitration?
  • What are leading ADR service providers delivering?
  • Is there a gap between the two and, if so, how can we bridge it?
  • Is greater use of mediation the way forward?

Delegates will be issued with electronic devices to communicate their comments and questions as the Convention progresses. They will also use voting handsets to express their views on a series of key issues, with the results instantly displayed.

The full agenda and list of speakers/panellists can be viewed here.


Date:                                      Wednesday 29 October 2014 from 09:00 to 17:45 (GMT)
Location:                              Livery Hall, Guildhall, Gresham Street, London, EC2V 7HH
Attendance fee:                 £ 375 + VAT (or £ 295 + VAT for invitees of supporting organisations)

To register:
For all other


American Arbitration Association/International Centre for Dispute Resolution (AAA/ ICDR); American Bar Association, Section of Dispute Resolution (ABA); Association of Corporate Counsel Europe (ACC Europe); Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIArb); China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC); Commercial Mediation Group; International Institute for Conflict Prevention and Resolution (CPR Institute); Core Solutions; Corporate Counsel International Arbitration Group (CCIAG); Institution Quraysh; International Bar Association (IBA); International Chamber of Commerce (ICC); Neuroawareness; Round Table Mediation und Konfliktmanagement der deutschen Wirtschaft (RTMKM); Swiss Chamber of Commercial Mediation (SKWM/CSMC/SCCM).