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On 17-18 March, Singapore will host the first event in the Global Pound Conference (GPC) Series  -  an ambitious worldwide conference series set to take place in at least 36 cities across the globe over the course of the next year.

The aim of the GPC series is to bring together users of commercial and civil dispute resolution services, as well as advisors, service providers and other stakeholders, to discuss what users need from dispute resolution processes in the 21st century (whether this be litigation, arbitration, alternative dispute resolution processes such as mediation, or some combination of these).

Herbert Smith Freehills is proud to be a global platinum sponsor of the GPC, having long been at the forefront of efforts to explore what businesses need from dispute resolution processses and how the existing mechanisms can be improved, or used more skilfully, to meet those needs.

Recent research suggests that there is a significant gap between what parties engaged in commercial and civil disputes expect and need and the services currently provided by courts, arbitrators, mediators, lawyers, educators and policy makers. The GPC series is designed to test the scale of this gap and suggest practical ways to resolve it. The event will feature a universal (anonymous) voting system to ensure that every view is captured, producing measurable and actionable data at the end of the conference series. 

Singapore's programme is a testament to the high level of global interest shown in the GPC Series. As well as the involvement of Herbert Smith Freehills' specialists in the field, Judicial Commissioner See Kee Oon, Presiding Judge of the Singapore State Courts, will open the conference, and a keynote address will be provided by the Honourable Chief Justice Sundaresh Menon of the Supreme Court of Singapore. Other speakers include senior executives from major multi-national corporations.

In addition, many high profile figures from the Singapore arbitration and dispute resolution community will participate as panellists and speakers. Further details of the programme can be found here.

The GPC promises to have important implications for the future of dispute resolution globally. The voice of dispute resolution users is of paramount importance and is vital to the success of the event. We encourage you to participate by attending one of the conferences and following the series' output, which we will be reporting on progressively throughout the coming year.

Date: 17-18 March 2016

Venue: Supreme Court of Singapore 

Registration Fee:

Regular: SGD $650 (inclusive of GST); 
Early Bird (ends 7 February 2016): SGD $550 (inclusive of GST)  

To register, please click here.