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Thursday 21 May 2020, 15.30 – 16.45 CAT

A lot has been said about the mining industry's current travails and what mining companies must do to survive. The question remains: what do we do after the lockdown? We find ourselves at another kairos moment in the World’s history - an important crossroads where we are afforded a brief opportunity to reflect on what a post-COVID-19 world should look like.

In this webinar, Patrick Leyden (Director, Herbert Smith Freehills) will moderate the discussion between Peter Leon (Partner and Co-chair of the Africa Practice Group, Herbert Smith Freehills), Olivier Binyingo (Director, Herbert Smith Freehills), Fiona Perrott-Humphrey (Senior Mining Adviser, Rothschild) and Peter Attard Montalto (Director – Global Lead, Capital Markets Research, Intellidex) who will consider what the sub-Saharan Africa mining sector may look once the current lockdown period ends.

They will also indicate what steps sub-Saharan countries should take now to ensure that their mining sectors are placed on the correct trajectory to maximise future growth and development.


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Martin Kavanagh

Partner, London

Martin Kavanagh
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Jean Meijer

Managing Partner, Johannesburg

Jean Meijer
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Paul Morton

Partner, Paris

Paul Morton