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Tag: bharat aluminium

Showing 6 out of 6 results

01 April 2014

SIAC emergency arbitrator awards – a speedier route to interim relief before the Indian Courts?

The Singapore International Arbitration Centre (the SIAC) introduced emergency arbitrator provisions in its arbitration rules in July 2010 and has had 34 …

01 March 2013

High Court applies Sulamérica test in Arsanovia and gives rise to unexpected results

In December last year, the High Court upheld a challenge under section 67 of the Arbitration Act 1996 (the Act) in Arsanovia Ltd and others v Cruz City 1 …

07 December 2012

Recent Developments in India-related international arbitration

Herbert Smith Freehills has issued its latest Indian International Arbitration e-bulletin. The e-bulletin considers the decision of the Supreme Court of …

06 November 2012

Supreme Court of India delivers landmark arbitration decision in Bharat Aluminium, overruling Bhatia International

As reported in our blog posting on 6 September 2012, the controversial decision of the Indian Supreme Court in Bhatia International v Bulk Trading SA [1] …

06 September 2012

Supreme Court of India delivers landmark arbitration decision in Bharat Aluminium, overruling Bhatia International

Supreme Court of India delivers landmark arbitration decision in Bharat Aluminium, overruling Bhatia International The controversial decision of the …

07 March 2012

Recent Developments in India-related International Arbitration

In this post we consider the implications for India-related international arbitration of the Indian Supreme Court re-examining the controversial …