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Tag: bit

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31 July 2023

Application for security for costs and security for the Award refused by English Court in investment treaty award challenge

In its recent judgment in The Czech Republic vs Diag Human and ors [2023] the English court has refused Diag Human's application for security for costs …

23 August 2022

ICSID Releases Latest Caseload Statistics for FY2022

On 4 August 2022, the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) released its latest Annual Report for FY2022. We discuss the …

05 October 2018

Indian Government launches international research project on the impact of Bilateral Investment Treaties on investment flows from/to the country

India entered into its first bilateral investment treaty (BIT), with the United Kingdom, in 1994, as part of a strategy to attract inbound foreign direct …

18 September 2018

Recent Developments in India-related International Arbitration

Herbert Smith Freehills has issued the latest edition of its Indian international arbitration e-bulletin. In this issue we consider various court …

17 September 2018

Tribunal awards India first BIT case win, dismissing claims of French investor

An UNCITRAL arbitral tribunal has reportedly dismissed a US$36 million claim by a French investor, Louis Dreyfus Armateurs SAS ("LDA"), against India …

15 August 2018

English Court rejects Ukraine's attempt to set aside enforcement order on grounds of state immunity

The English Court (the "Court") has dismissed an application by Ukraine to set aside a court order permitting Russian investor, PAO Tatneft, to enforce …

11 June 2018

Delhi High Court refuses to grant injunction restraining Vodafone's second BIT arbitration against India

In a decision dated 7 May 2018, the Delhi High Court dismissed the Government of India's application to declare Vodafone’s second BIT arbitration …

30 May 2018

The new draft Dutch BIT: what does it mean for investor mailbox companies?

The Netherlands has released a new draft investment treaty for public comment ("Draft BIT").  If adopted, the Draft BIT may raise questions about …

14 March 2018

The English court sets aside a Tribunal's findings of lack of jurisdiction under a BIT

In a decision dated 2 March 2018 (the "Decision"), the English High Court has set aside parts of an award on jurisdiction (the "Award") from a …

11 July 2017

Recent developments in India-related international arbitration

Herbert Smith Freehills has issued the latest edition of its Indian international arbitration e-bulletin. In this issue we will consider Indian court …

23 May 2017

Is the recently signed Morocco-Nigeria BIT a step towards a more balanced form of intra-African investor protection?

On 3 December 2016, Morocco and Nigeria signed a new bilateral investment treaty (the "BIT"), with the overarching aim of strengthening "the bonds of …

25 January 2016

Head of India Arbitration Practice, Nick Peacock, comments on India’s Final Text for its Model BIT for CNBC TV18’s “The Firm”

As reported in our recent India E Bulletin here, India has unveiled the final version of its Model Text for the Indian Bilateral Investment Treaty (Model …