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Tag: cjeu

Showing 8 out of 8 results

04 August 2023


In a recent post on our Public International Law Notes blog, Dr. Patricia Nacimiento, Dr. Bajar Scharaw, Dr. Alessandro Covi and Dr. Lara Panosch …

22 October 2018

HSF team play key role in significant ICSID Award dealing with an Intra-EU BIT Case

Members of the HSF Paris disputes team have played a key role in obtaining a successful ICSID award for Chèque Déjeuner ("CD"), the French meal voucher …

13 July 2018

State to state dispute resolution in the UK Government's White Paper: arbitration with a potential role for the CJEU

The White Paper published yesterday, "The Future Relationship between the United Kingdom and the European Union", includes the UK Government's proposal …

24 August 2017

Enforcement and dispute resolution under the Withdrawal Agreement and any future relationship agreement: no role for the CJEU….or is there?

On its face, the thrust of the UK Government's Future Partnership Paper on Enforcement and Dispute Resolution (the Paper), published on 23 August, is to …

26 June 2017

Is there an inherent tension between the EU's investment court system and the EU legal order?

As discussed in our previous blog posts here and here, the EU has introduced a new system to resolve disputes arising between investors and …

22 December 2016

Advocate General issues opinion that the EU does not have exclusive competence to conclude the EU-Singapore Free Trade Agreement

In an opinion issued on 21 December 2016, EU Advocate General Eleanor Sharpston QC has concluded that the EU-Singapore Free Trade Agreement (EUSFTA) will …

12 May 2016

Arbitration and intra-EU BITs – German Bundesgerichtshof weighs in on the discussion

In its decision of 3 March 2016 (I ZB 2/15), published on 11 May 2016, the German Federal Court of Justice ("BGH") announced that it would request the …

07 January 2016

French Supreme Court declares inadmissible appeal of Court of Appeal’s decision to seek an opinion from the CJEU

In Cass. Civ. 1re, 18 novembre 2015, n°14-26.482, the French Supreme Court considered an appeal from a Court of Appeal decision seeking an opinion from …