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Tag: eu sanctions

Showing 10 out of 10 results

05 July 2024

The EU takes action: New Sanctions to Counter Russian Measures

The European Union ("EU") has introduced EU Regulation 2024/1745 which imposes the 14th Sanctions Package against Russia.

09 October 2023


The Hong Kong Court of First Instance has dismissed an application to discharge an anti-suit injunction restraining Russian court proceedings brought in …

25 May 2017

Russian arbitration: are international sanctions impacting party choice?

Ever since the introduction and then expansion of international sanctions on Russia (in particular by the US and the EU), arbitration practitioners have …

18 September 2014

Upcoming Webinar: Sanctions Update: Ukraine and Russia

Monday 22 September 2014, 2.00pm - 3.00pm BST The international sanctions landscape has continued to develop in response to the situation in Ukraine. On …

01 August 2014

EU publishes legislation imposing sectoral sanctions on Russia

Herbert Smith Freehills has published the latest edition of its Sanctions Update e-bulletin on new EU regulations, published on 30 and 31 July 2014, that …

27 June 2014

Sanctions Update: EU and US introduce further sanctions in response to the situation in Ukraine; EU amends sanctions against Libya, Central African Republic and Syria

Herbert Smith Freehills has published its latest Sanctions Update e-bulletin, on the latest developments in sanctions regimes in Ukraine, Libya, …

20 March 2014

Ukraine – EU imposes asset freeze and travel ban on 21 Russian individuals; US introduces additional Executive Order and imposes asset freeze and visa ban on 11 Ukrainian and Russian individuals

Herbert Smith Freehills has published its latest Sanctions Update e-bulletin, on the imposition targeted sanctions by the EU and US in response to the …

17 March 2014

Ukraine – EU imposes asset freeze on members of former government and issues a statement in relation to Russia; US introduces Executive Order permitting the blocking of assets

Herbert Smith Freehills has issued its latest Sanctions Update e-bulletin, concerning the EU and US response to recent events in Ukraine. On 5 …

02 August 2013

When will sanctions frustrate an agreement?

A recent judgment of the English Commercial Court has highlighted the issue of the effect of new sanctions legislation upon contractual obligations, and …

03 July 2013

Contractual disputes and practical implications arising from sanctions in the aftermath of the Arab Spring

In the aftermath of the Arab Spring and amidst continuing unrest in the region, the Middle East remains at the forefront of the international sanctions …