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Tag: un guiding principles on business and human rights

Showing 9 out of 9 results

14 March 2017

Urbaser v. Argentina and Burlington v. Ecuador: Investment arbitration is not over the counterclaims yet

Two recent decisions by tribunals have advanced the body of tribunal practice considering the issue of counterclaims by respondent states in investment …

04 July 2014

Towards a Treaty on Business and Human Rights?

The Human Rights Council has adopted a resolution establishing a new working group with a mandate to elaborate “an international legally binding …

01 July 2013

European Commission publishes employment and recruitment sector guide: Corporate responsibility to respect human rights

The European Commission has published guidance for the employment and recruitment sector on meeting the corporate responsibility to respect human rights …

01 July 2013

European Commission publishes oil and gas sector guide: corporate responsibility to respect human rights

The European Commission has published guidance for companies in the oil and gas sector on meeting the corporate responsibility to respect human rights …

24 May 2013

Equator Principles III released

The Equator Principles Association (EPA) has released the third version of the Equator Principles (EPs) for managing environmental and social risks in …

12 April 2013

BIT claim brought against Turkmenistan following UN finding of human rights violations

Following a decision of the United Nations Human Rights Committee ("UNHRC") in 2010 that a Turkish businessman had suffered violations of his human …

29 January 2013

Business & Human Rights - EC Draft Guidance for oil & gas sector on implementing the UN Guiding Principles

A draft of the European Commission's Guidance for the oil and gas sector on implementing the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UN …

08 November 2012

UN Annual Forum on Business and Human Rights

The first annual UN Forum on Business and Human Rights will be held in Geneva on 4-5 December 2012.  The UN Forum will bring together governments, …

06 July 2011

UN Human Rights Council endorses new Guiding Principles on Business and International Human Rights

On 16 June 2011, the UN Human Rights Council (the "Council") endorsed the "Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights" (the "Guiding Principles"). …