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Tag: venezuela

Showing 7 out of 7 results

23 December 2015

U.S. District Court allows Gold Reserve to enforce its award against Venezuela in Washington, D.C.: Gold Reserve Inc., v. Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela

In September 2014, Gold Reserve won a significant arbitral award ("Award") worth more than US$760 million (and counting, because of post-award interest) …

27 February 2015

Paris Court of Appeal enforces award under ICSID Additional Facility Rules between Gold Reserve and Venezuela

Abstract: In République Bolivarienne du Venezuela c/ Société Gold Reserve INC, Cour d'appel de Paris, Pôle 1 – Chambre 1, RG N° 14/21103, a judge sitting …

16 October 2014

Exxon Mobil is awarded US$1.6 billion in ICSID claim against Venezuela – to be set off against award in parallel contractual arbitration

On 9 October 2014, a tribunal of H.E. Judge Gilbert Guillaume (President), Professor Kaufmann-Kohler and Dr. Ahmed Sadek El-Kosheri rendered a final …

13 June 2014

No consent to ICSID jurisdiction found under Venezuelan Investment Law: distinction drawn between the intention of the drafters and the intentions of the State

In OPIC Karimun Corporation v Venezuela, an ICSID tribunal has held that Venezuela's Investment Law's reference to ICSID did not, without more, provide …

06 March 2013

President Hugo Chavez's Legacy: What Future for Investors in Venezuela?

Overnight the Venezuelan government has confirmed the death of President Hugo Chavez after a long battle with cancer. President Chavez had been a …

19 January 2012

Venezuela follows Bolivia and Ecuador with plans to denounce ICSID Convention

On 14 January 2012, Venezuela's Energy Minister, Rafael Ramírez, and president of state-owned oil utility PDVSA, announced the country's intention to …

08 February 2011

Venezuela - international tribunal confirms that Article 22 of the Venezuelan Investment Law does not constitute consent to ICSID arbitration

At the end of December 2010, in a decision that will be of interest to international companies doing business in Venezuela, an ICSID tribunal in the case …