Recent updates to the Corporate Notes blog include our consolidated corporate update briefing, which looks at key developments for corporate practitioners from July to December last year; and our consolidated corporate Covid-19 update briefing, which looks at developments in corporate law related to Covid-19 over the last year. There is also an ICSA report and associated recommendations on independent board evaluations; the Investment Association has issued a statement on shareholder priorities for 2021; and the Supreme Court has ruled in the business interruption insurance test case. There is our latest briefing on the LIBOR transition; a Law Society Q&A on electronic signatures; and news of changes to the Prompt Payment Code.
- Consolidated corporate update July to December 2020
- Consolidated corporate Covid-19 update
- Corporate governance - ICSA report and recommendations on independent board evaluation
- Corporate governance - Investment Association statement on shareholder priorities
- Covid-19 - Supreme Court ruling on business interruption insurance
- Discontinuation of LIBOR - our latest briefing on the transition
- Execution of documents - Law Society Q&A on electronic signatures
- Payment practices - changes to the Prompt Payment Code
Key contacts
The articles published on this website, current at the dates of publication set out above, are for reference purposes only. They do not constitute legal advice and should not be relied upon as such. Specific legal advice about your specific circumstances should always be sought separately before taking any action.