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Recent additions to our Corporate Notes blog include a summary of the FRC review of the UK Corporate Governance Code, an overview of the amendments made to the ECCT Bill at the House of Lords Committee Stage and a look at the next steps in the reform of the prospectus regime. Other additions include an overview of the High Court's refusal of permission for ClientEarth to bring derivative action on behalf of Shell plc against its directors and a summary of the call for evidence on non-financial reporting and the proposed reforms to employment law, as well as an outline of the Takeover Panel's consultation on frustrating action and a look at the FRC's new Minimum Standard for FTSE 350 Audit Companies.

Call for evidence on non-financial reporting and proposed reforms to employment law

ECCT Bill completes next stage

FRC publishes new Minimum Standard for FTSE 350 Audit Committees

FRC review of UK Corporate Governance Code

High Court refuses permission for climate-change activist shareholder to bring derivative action on behalf of Shell plc against its directors

Next step in reform of the prospectus regime

Takeover Panel consultation on frustrating action and Takeover Code changes now in force

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Julie Farley photo

Julie Farley

Professional Support Lawyer, London

Julie Farley
Mike Flockhart photo

Mike Flockhart

Executive Partner, Global Co-Head, Corporate, London

Mike Flockhart
Sarah Hawes photo

Sarah Hawes

Head of Corporate Knowledge, UK, London

Sarah Hawes
Isobel Hoyle photo

Isobel Hoyle

Professional Support Lawyer, London

Isobel Hoyle
Antonia Kirkby photo

Antonia Kirkby

Professional Support Consultant, London

Antonia Kirkby
Erica MacDonald photo

Erica MacDonald

Professional Support Lawyer, London

Erica MacDonald
Gareth Sykes photo

Gareth Sykes

Partner, UK Head of Corporate Governance Advisory, London

Gareth Sykes