Corporate Notes
Tag: contract disputes guide
Showing 5 out of 5 results
Our practical guide to remedies for breach of contract
Establishing that a counterparty is in breach of contract is only the first hurdle to obtaining proper redress. It is just as important for the innocent …
Our practical guide to terminating your contract
Parties to commercial contracts may wish to exit their contractual arrangements for all sorts of reasons. In many cases, they will have included in their …
Contract law – our practical guide to force majeure, frustration and material adverse change
When events take a dramatic turn, parties may be left unable to perform their contractual obligations, or may find that their counterparty is unable or …
Our practical guide to liquidated damages, limitation and exclusion clauses
Parties to commercial contracts commonly seek to set some parameters around what will happen in the event of a breach. They may for example agree a fixed …
Our practical guide to endeavour obligations in commercial contracts
The obligation to endeavour to achieve some object is commonly agreed in commercial contracts where the relevant party is not willing to take on an …