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The Queensland Government is asking the broader Queensland community to weigh in on its ‘Tracks to Treaty’ initiative to create a treaty between the Queensland Government and Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait people. Submissions on any matters raised in the consultation paper close at 5:00pm on 6 December 2019.

Statement of Commitment

On 14 July 2019, the Queensland Government announced it would start the process of negotiating one or more treaties with First Nations Queenslanders.

At the end of NAIDOC Week 2019, the Queensland Government signed a “Statement of Commitment” that aims to “reframe the relationship between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and the Queensland Government”. The Statement of Commitment emphasises mutual respect, the recognition of past wrongs, and the need to “speak the truth about our shared history”.

The Statement of Commitment sets out eight guiding principles for the Queensland Government’s initiative. The stated principles include: self-determination; locally led decision-making; and free, prior and informed consent.

Eminent Panel and Treaty Working Group

The Queensland Government will create an “Eminent Panel of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Queenslanders and Indigenous Queenslanders” to provide leadership over this process, and support engagement with key parliamentary, government and non-government stakeholders.

The panel will be co-chaired by Dr. Jackie Huggins AM and the Honourable Michael Lavarch AO.

Additionally, a Treaty Working Group will consult across Queensland in the second half of 2019.

Have your say

The Queensland Government is currently inviting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Queenslanders, and members of the wider Queensland community, to submit their comments, opinions and ideas. You can share your views by:

  • Completing an online survey on the Get Involved website;
  • Preparing a written submission;
  • Attending a face-to-face community consultation session (held from October to 6 December 2019).

Please contact the authors of this post for further information or assistance in preparing written submissions.
