Welcome to the September 2016 edition of our corporate crime update - our round up of developments in relation to corruption, money laundering, fraud, sanctions and related matters. Our update now covers a number of jurisdictions. For the full update on each jurisdiction, please click on the name of the jurisdiction below. Below we provide a brief overview of what is covered in each update.
- Serious Fraud Office secures second Deferred Prosecution Agreement
- SFO investigation into Airbus Group
- FCA policy statement on financial crime reporting
- FCA – Anti-money Laundering Annual Report 2015/16
- Deadline for implementing FCA and PRA whistleblowing rules
- FOS August Newsletter
- HMT - money laundering and terrorist financing controls
- New proposed measures to tackle tax avoidance – including penalties for "enablers"
- HMICS CCU assurance review
- EBA opinion on proposal to bring virtual currency entities in the scope of MLD IV
- MLD4 – delegated regulation
- MLD4 – impact assessment
- MLD4 – proposed amendments
- Transparency International guidance on managing third party risk
- FATF plenary meeting
- FATF objectives 2016/17
- FATF identifies jurisdictions with AML/CFT deficiencies
- IMF discussion note on the withdrawal of CRBs
- European Investigation Order – A new approach to transnational criminal investigation in the European Union
- RICS fines Sweett Group for Middle East bribery offence
- Iraqi Defence Minister Khaled al-Obeidi impeached following corruption controversy
- Court of Final Appeal confirms and clarifies aspects of money laundering offence under OSCO
- Former bank manager jailed for 10 months for bribery and fraud
- Court of Final Appeal sets dates for high profile bribery appeals
- ICAC reports impressive 2015 statistics and changes within its powerful operations department
- ICAC declines to prosecute former commissioner's aide in relation to alleged lavish spending
- ICAC launches guidance on bribery in the retail sector
China, South East Asia & India
- KPK Calls for Expansion of Authority in Private-sector Corruption
- KPK's Recent Enforcement to Combat Graft in Judicial Bodies
- Senior South Korean Prosecutor Faces Charges including Bribery
- Novartis Employees in South Korea Indicted for Bribing Doctors
- MAS Vows to Take a Rigorous Approach towards Money Laundering after 1MDB Scandal
- RBI Penalizes Banks for Violation of Anti-Money Laundering Norms
- Former BSP Employee Sentenced to Jail for Receiving Bribes
- Formal President of a State-Owned Company Sentenced to 10 Years for Graft
- MACC Aggressively Freezing, Confiscating and Forfeiting Crime Proceeds
- High-ranking Official of the Central Committee of the CPC Sentenced to Life
- Former Provincial Tourist Official Guilty of Taking Bribes
- Former chairman of China Telecom Group under Criminal Investigation
- OECD urges Japan to step-up efforts to fight bribery of foreign officials
- Japan Federation of Bar Associations releases guidance on foreign bribery prevention
Recent FCPA developments
- Johnson Controls receives NPA for FCPA issues
- LATAM Airlines settles with DOJ and SEC over FCPA issues
- Other corporate criminal and enforcement actions
- Volkswagen reached partial settle with federal and state regulators
- Oil refinery companies settle with DOJ and EPA for alleged air pollution
- Norwegian shipping company pleaded guilty for price-fixing
Sanctions update
- OFAC issues a general license authorizing U.S.-origin airplane's temporary sojourn" to Iran
- OFAC issued two Findings of Violation against insurance companies
Money laundering
- FinCEN expands reach of real-estate data targeting order
- FinCEN fines California Casino for anti-money laundering failure
- NYDFS issues final anti-money laundering regulation
- White House issues Presidential Policy Derivative on cyber incident coordination
- Second Circuit Ruling Prohibits US Government Seizure of E-Mails Stored Outside the United States
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