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In this blog post, we round-up key forthcoming developments in the UK and at EU and International levels in financial services regulation which are expected to happen in July and August 2022.


1 Jul
2 Jul
3 Jul
4 Jul
7 Jul
8 Jul
11 Jul
13 Jul
14 Jul
18 Jul
19 Jul
21 Jul
22 Jul
23 Jul
26 Jul
27 Jul
28 Jul
29 Jul
31 Jul
1 Aug
2 Aug
3 Aug
5 Aug
12 Aug
15 Aug
17 Aug
24 Aug
31 Aug


Table of abbreviations:


AM Aggregation Method GFANZ  Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero
AIFMs Alternative Investment Fund Managers HMT HM Treasury
ATM Automated Teller Machine HoC House of Commons
BO Beneficial Ownership HoL House of Lords
BoE Bank of England IAIS  International Association of Insurance Supervisors
CBDC Central Bank Digital Currency ICS Insurance Capital Standard
CCP Central Counterparty IOSCO  International Organisation of Securities Commissions
CfE Call for Evidence LEI Legal Entity Identifier
CFT Countering the Financing of Terrorism LSE London Stock Exchange
CoP Confirmation of Payee MiFID II Markets in Financial Instruments Directive II
CP  Consultation Paper MiFIR Markets in Financial Instruments Regulation
CRA  Credit Rating Agency MMF Money Market Fund
DP Discussion Paper NPL Nonperforming Loan
DSA  Digital Settlement Asset NZTP Net-zero Transition Plan
EBA  European Banking Authority PRA Prudential Regulation Authority
EC European Commission PRIIPS Packaged Retail Investment and Insurance Products
EIOPA European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority PS Policy Statement
EP  European Parliament PSR Payment Systems Regulator
ESAs European Supervisory Authorities PSD2 Second Payment Services Directive
ESMA  European Securities and Markets Authority RTS Regulatory Technical Standards
ETFs  Exchange Traded Funds SDRP Statutory Debt Repayment Plan
 FATF Financial Action Task Force SI Statutory Instrument
 FCA Financial Conduct Authority SS Supervisory Statement
FMI Financial Market Infrastructure TPT Transition Plan Taskforce
FOS Financial Ombudsman Service UCITS Undertakings for the Collective Investment in Transferable Securities
FSCS  Financial Services Compensation Scheme





Karen Anderson photo

Karen Anderson

Consultant, London

Karen Anderson
Cat Dankos photo

Cat Dankos

Regulatory Consultant, London

Cat Dankos

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Karen Anderson photo

Karen Anderson

Consultant, London

Karen Anderson
Cat Dankos photo

Cat Dankos

Regulatory Consultant, London

Cat Dankos
Karen Anderson Cat Dankos