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Tag: european reform

Showing 12 out of 12 results

14 November 2013

Solvency II Trilogue discussions conclude – so what happens now?

Earlier today, it was announced that yesterday's trilogue discussions on the Omnibus II Directive (Omnibus II) had finished in agreement.  The …

17 June 2013

EU democracy in action: MEPs criticise both the Council for lack of progress, and the Commission for delay in the adoption of certain proposals

This week, the European Parliament passed a resolution raising concerns about the uncertainty caused by delays in financial services sector reform, …

30 April 2013

New EU Directive: Reporting by Extractive Companies on Government Payments

The European Parliament and Council of Ministers have agreed the final form of the new EU rules for the disclosure, on a project by project basis, of …

25 April 2013

EU: indicative dates for EP's first readings of various legislative initiatives put back

The European Parliament (EP)'s procedure files for various European legislative initiatives have been amended today, pushing back the indicative …

23 April 2013

AIFMD: Back to basics on scope and marketing following the Commission's Q&A and the FCA'S CP13/9

In some ways it is surprising that four years on from the first appearance of the draft of the Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive (the …

01 March 2013

European Commission extends time for ESMA's technical advice on equivalence of EMIR and third country legal/supervisory frameworks

The European Commission has written to Steven Maijoor, the Chair of the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) to extend the deadline for …

11 February 2013

EU democracy in action: European Parliament withdraws objection to EMIR technical standards

Pursuant to a compromise proposed by the European Commission on 7 February, the European Parliament has withdrawn its objection to two of the delegated …

22 November 2012

EBA Guidelines on assessment of the suitability of members of management bodies of credit institutions and their key function holders

The European Banking Authority (EBA) has today published Guidelines on the assessment of the suitability of members of the management body and key …

23 May 2012

Product intervention: some thoughts on the FCA's interactions with Europe

As regulatory rules are increasingly made in Europe, within the UK, the new Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) will move to becoming – as Hector Sants put …

29 March 2012

MiFID II: a greater step away from the RDR?

Key recommendations by the Rapporteur on the investor protection elements of the proposed MiFID II Directive, contain some potentially significant …

09 November 2011

MiFID II: European Commission publishes legislative proposals to amend MiFID

The European Commission finally published its legislative proposals to revise the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID) on 20 October, …

02 November 2011

UK regulatory reform - Responses to the Government consultation on "A new approach to financial regulation"

HM Treasury has published a summary of responses to its consultation on the reform of the UK financial services regulatory regime.  The paper …