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Tag: fsa enforcement

Showing 12 out of 21 results

21 October 2013

FCA confirms how it will use new powers to publicise warning notices

On 15 October 2013, the FCA published its Policy Statement (PS13/9) on the publication of information about warning notices under its new powers (see …

02 September 2013

FCA bans and fines two in relation to Unregulated Collective Investment Schemes sales failures

On 16 August 2013, the FCA announced that it had banned and fined two individuals for providing insufficient oversight of activities carried out by their …

08 August 2013

FCA rejects calls for increased transparency on s.166 reviews

The FCA responded this week to industry feedback requesting greater transparency in relation to its use of section 166 'skilled person' reviews. As part …

28 May 2013

UK: FCA provisional decision to fine and ban former NED of financial firm for failing to disclose conflicts of interest

The FCA has published a notice of its decision to fine a former non-executive director (NED) of two mutual societies £154,800, and …

08 March 2013

UK: Equities trader receives 2 year sentence for disclosing inside information

Paul Milsom, a senior equities trader, has been sentenced to two years' imprisonment for improper disclosure of inside information about forthcoming …

05 March 2013

UK: Regulatory Reform - rolling out the building blocks for legal cutover on 1 April 2013

Statutory instruments to fill in the regulatory framework - following the enactment of the Financial Services Act 2012 (the 2012 Act), which amends the …

04 February 2013

Temporary Product Intervention Rules: inadequate safeguards

The FSA is consulting (as it is required to do under the Act) on the new power given to the FCA under the Financial Services Act 2012 to issue temporary …

02 January 2013

DPAs for the FCA? A New Year's enforcement treat

As New Year's resolutions go, "read Schedule 16 to the Crime and Courts Bill" may not have been top of anyone's list.  Buried, however, in the …

19 November 2012

Suitability and systems: UK FSA fines wealth management firm as further thematic review work continues

Following on from its initial thematic work on wealth management firms, the FSA has fined Savoy Investment Management Limited (Savoy) £412,000 for …

09 November 2012

Dear CEO: please confirm your asset management firm has identified and mitigated the risk of conflicts of interest between it and its customers

Conflicts of interest between asset managers and their customers: Identifying and mitigating the risks is a 'Dear CEO' publication in which the FSA …

24 October 2012

FSA prioritises effective corporate governance in insurers

Effective corporate governance within insurers, including in particular those operating with-profits businesses, has been a high priority for the FSA for …

27 September 2012

FSA plea for wider enforcement powers warrants careful scrutiny

In the FSA's request for further enforcement powers, made in submissions to the Parliamentary Commission on Banking Standards (published on Monday), …