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Tag: conspiracy

Showing 6 out of 6 results

16 October 2018

Directors held liable for inducing breach of contract and unlawful means conspiracy where they placed company into liquidation to avoid outstanding debt

The Technology and Construction Court has upheld economic tort claims against two directors of a limited liability company who placed the company into …

28 March 2018

Supreme Court finds contempt of court constitutes unlawful means for the tort of conspiracy

The Supreme Court has held that contempt of court can constitute unlawful means for the purpose of the tort of conspiracy: JSC BTA Bank v Khrapunov …

22 March 2018

Supreme Court holds English court has jurisdiction over tort claim where conspiracy hatched in England

The Supreme Court has held that the place of the event giving rise to damage in a claim alleging the tort of conspiracy to injure by unlawful means is …

27 February 2017

Court of Appeal finds third party who conspired with defendant to breach freezing order could be liable for tort of conspiracy to injure by unlawful means

In a claim by JSC BTA Bank against the son-in-law of its former Chairman alleging conspiracy to injure by unlawful means, the Court of Appeal held that …

24 February 2017

Court of Appeal gives further guidance on how jurisdiction rules apply in economic tort claim

The Court of Appeal has held that the place of the event giving rise to damage in a claim alleging conspiracy to injure by unlawful means is where the …

02 September 2016

Court of Appeal considers jurisdiction test in tort claims against employees under Brussels regime

The Court of Appeal has held that claims in conspiracy against former employees did not come within the employment jurisdiction provisions in the Lugano …