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Tag: three rivers

Showing 8 out of 8 results

02 February 2017

No appeal against controversial decision in RBS case applying narrow interpretation of “client” for purposes of legal advice privilege

In a widely publicised decision last December arising out of the RBS Rights Issue Litigation (reported here), the High Court found that interviews …

08 December 2016

High Court applies narrow interpretation of “client” for purposes of legal advice privilege

In a decision handed down today, the High Court has applied the much-criticised Court of Appeal decision in Three Rivers No 5 to find that interviews …

20 July 2015

Article published on legal advice privilege

A recent Hong Kong Court of Appeal judgment has rejected the narrow approach to legal advice privilege established by the English Court of Appeal in …

30 June 2015

Hong Kong Court of Appeal rejects narrow interpretation of “client” and adopts broader test for legal advice privilege

In a decision handed down yesterday, the Hong Kong Court of Appeal (HKCA) has rejected the narrow view adopted by the first instance court as to who …

29 February 2012

Hong Kong court applies narrow view of "client" for privilege purposes

The much discussed decision of the English Court of Appeal in Three Rivers District Council v Bank of England [2003] EWCA Civ 474 led to a risk that …

24 November 2006

Legal advice privilege and preparatory documents

A recent High Court case held that legal advice privilege protects confidential communications passing between a lawyer and his client and does not …

11 November 2004

The House of Lords reaffirms the importance of legal advice privilege - but practical problems remain

The House of Lords has today handed down its much anticipated judgment in the Three Rivers litigation: Three Rivers District Council and Others v The …

10 April 2003

Court of Appeal overturns legal advice privilege decision

On 3 April 2003, the Court of Appeal handed down a judgment which defines the scope of legal advice privilege more narrowly than may previously have been …