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Environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues are becoming increasingly high profile and they are moving up the agenda for trustee boards, pension providers and asset managers as they respond to new legal and regulatory requirements, to pressure from savers and action groups and to changing social norms.

Today sees new legal requirements come into force which require trustees of pension schemes with more than 100 members to update their scheme's statement of investment principles to set out (amongst other things) their policy on how they take account of financially material factors, including ESG considerations, in their investment decision making.

The FCA has proposed similar measures for pension providers.

In this video, produced with Royal London and Corporate Advisor, Tim Smith, Professional Support Lawyer at Herbert Smith Freehills, Steve Webb, former pensions minister and now Director of Policy at Royal London and Ashley Hamilton Claxton, Head of Responsible Investment at Royal London Asset Management, discuss how trustees, pension providers and asset managers are responding in this evolving area.











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Practical guide: Pensions and ESG - The evolving legal and regulatory landscape

Trustees and ESG - Are you ready for 1 October 2019?


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