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Tag: free trade agreement (fta)

Showing 9 out of 9 results

23 May 2017

The European Court of Justice renders its opinion on the EU-Singapore free trade agreement: investment chapter is not within EU's exclusive competence

On 16 May, 2017 the European Court of Justice (the Court) rendered its Opinion on the competence of the European Union to conclude the Free Trade …

02 March 2017

Brexit—the future of state-to-state, investor-state and domestic dispute resolution

The Brexit White Paper The much-anticipated Brexit White Paper, ‘The United Kingdom’s exit from and new partnership with the European Union’, was …

29 June 2015

A step towards finalising the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement: what does this mean for businesses?

As discussed in our blog post here, the TPP is a major free trade agreement between twelve countries in the Asia Pacific and the Americas that has been …

16 February 2015

Forthcoming Chatham House and Herbert Smith Freehills Symposium: "TTIP: shaping the future for investor-state dispute settlement" – 4 March 2015

The proposed Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) between the EU and the US, two of the world's largest economies, is intended to remove …

14 January 2015

Investment protection and ISDS in the TTIP: the discussion continues with more consultation around the corner

Yesterday afternoon, the EU Commission issued its Report on the outcome of the public consultation on the inclusion of investment protection and …

06 November 2014

European Commission requests European Court of Justice Opinion on competence to enter into EU-Singapore FTA

On 30 October the European Commission issued a press release announcing its intention to seek an opinion from the European Court of Justice as to the …

25 June 2014

Christian Leathley speaks at BritishAmerican Business event with keynote speech by EU Trade Commissioner Karel de Gucht: "TTIP and the Investment Dimension: What is the State of Play?"

International arbitration partner Christian Leathley spoke on a panel at an event organized by transatlantic business organization BritishAmerican …

13 January 2014

The Trans-Pacific Partnership: a New Year's resolution of special significance

Following a further round of negotiations for the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (the TPP) held in Singapore at the start of December 2013, it is …

11 December 2013

Australia-Korea FTA concluded: investor-state dispute resolution mechanism included

On 5 December 2013, Australia and South Korea concluded negotiations for a Free Trade Agreement (FTA). Trade with South Korea was valued at AU$31.9 …