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Tag: nppf

Showing 12 out of 16 results

06 November 2023

In England's Green and Pleasant Land

03 May 2023

Planning permission up for sale?

27 January 2023

A Christmas miracle: consultation on proposed reforms to national planning policy

28 July 2021

Published - Revised NPPF and National Model Design Code

08 July 2021

Article 4 Directions – the bar has been raised, but what will be the effect?

10 February 2021

Making places beautiful – draft revised NPPF and National Model Design Code

23 January 2019

Back to Basics: Housing Need and Delivery

  From 25 January 2019 (although see here for our commentary on the ambiguity surrounding the actual date), local planning authorities must …

22 January 2019

Deadline for examination of plans under the old NPPF - 24 or 25 January 2019?

This Thursday is 24 January 2019, a hotly anticipated date in the planning world because this is the date referred to in the revised National Planning …

12 October 2018

Affordability, viability and clarity – the impact of valuation on supply of affordable housing

Viability is at the heart of the extent to which private developers can be expected to bridge the gap between demand for and supply of affordable …

04 September 2018

Affordable Housing Back to Basics: What do the new NPPF and Draft London Plan modifications mean for affordable housing?

This blog post explores how the meaning of affordable housing has evolved following the publication of the revised National Planning Policy Framework …

30 August 2018

Revised National Planning Policy Framework—will it fix the housing market?

This article was first published on Lexis®PSL Planning on 9 August 2018. Will the government’s new planning rulebook deliver on its promises? Robert …

14 August 2018

Impact of revised National Planning Policy Framework

The revised National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) was published on 24 July 2018. This post considers what difference it will make – in terms of the …