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Paige Mortimer

Senior Associate
Senior Associate
Melbourne, Australia

Paige is an environment, planning and communities lawyer in our Projects, Energy and Infrastructure team.

Paige has experience with environment and planning, dispute resolution and project finance experience. Paige is an active member of the firm’s Offshore Wind focus group and cross-practice group ESG team.


Paige holds a Bachelor of Laws (Honours) and Diploma of Languages (French) from the University of Adelaide.

Experience & expertise

Selected matters

  • TasNetworks on planning and environmental approvals, native title and land assembly across three jurisdictions for the proposed Marinus Link electricity transmission interconnector from the Latrobe Valley across Bass Strait to Tasmania. Includes practical advice managing landowner relationships for transmission infrastructure through Gippsland.
  • AGL Ltd in relation to the judicial review of Loy Yang A’s amended licence in the Supreme Court of Victoria
  • Major Transport Infrastructure Authority in the delivery of the Melbourne Metro Tunnel Project and Melbourne Airport Rail, including advising on planning and environment approvals strategies and submissions, provision of heritage advice for numerous registered sites and compliance with planning and ancillary approvals. 
  • ASX listed companies on climate change and ESG issues, including energy and resources clients such as BHP, Santos, Coles and AGL.