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Sandhya is an Of Counsel based in London, specialising in competition law.

Sandhya has experience covering a broad range of competition law related matters including prohibited practices (advisory and litigation as well as assisting with corporate leniency applications), merger control, market inquiries and dawn raids. She often provides competition law compliance advice and has regularly assisted clients with compliance audits, programmes and training. Sandhya's expertise extends beyond South Africa to sub-Saharan Africa where she regularly provides multi-jurisdictional merger control advice and has assisted on multi-jurisdictional merger filings both in Africa and EMEA. 


Clients have noted Sandhya as "knowledgeable, efficient and dynamic," with other clients commending her "exceptional work ethic" and attention to detail. 

Sandhya has been ranked by Chambers and Partners in 2020, 2021 and 2022 in the category “Associate to watch” for South Africa Anti-trust/Competition. 


Sandhya is an admitted attorney. She holds a Business Science degree and LLB from the University of Cape Town. Sandhya also has a Certificate in Competition Law from the University of Witswatersrand. 

Experience & expertise

Selected matters

  • assisted with multiple merger filings across EMEA for a horizontal merger of the two largest aircraft lessors including in COMESA, Egypt (post-closing), Nigeria, Pakistan, Russia, Saudi, Arabia, Turkey and Ukraine
  • secured the removal of conditions imposed in a merger through a request for consideration (akin to an appeal) to the South African Competition Tribunal for a multi-national pharmaceutical company
  • acting for a bank in the complaint initiated by the South African Competition Commission into alleged price fixing by foreign currency traders as well as a review application before the South African Competition Appeal Court
  • acting for a global online travel company in relation to the South African Competition Commission's Online Intermediation Platforms Market Inquiry.
  • advised an automotive manufacturer in relation to the Competition Commission's Guidelines for Competition in the South African Automotive Aftermarket.