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On 15 June 2021, the International Centre for the Settlement of Investment Disputes released its latest working paper as part of its Rules Amendment Project. In addition to proposing changes to the ICSID Convention and ICSID Additional Facility arbitration and conciliation, as covered in an earlier blog post, Working Paper 5 also refines the proposed new rules for ICSID fact-finding and mediation.

To promote mediation in investor-State arbitration further, in July 2021 ICSID also released a Background Paper on Investment Mediation, which provides an overview of mediation in an investor-State context, as well as an Overview of Investment Treaty Clauses on Mediation, which reviews existing treaty mechanisms that address investor-state mediation and other amicable dispute resolution mechanisms.

See this post on our Arbitration Notes blog for an overview of how a mediation would be initiated, conducted, and concluded under the proposed Mediation Rules – highlighting any key changes in the latest iteration of the rules and flagging key takeaways from ICSID’s additional publications.

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