On 6 November, Herbert Smith Freehills hosted the second HSF Young Arbitration Practitioner (YAP) music and drinks event, at its London offices in Exchange Square. The drinks event, set against a backdrop of live jazz music, was organised by London arbitration associates Susan Field, Jennifer Hartzler, Maguelonne de Brugiere and Emily Blanshard, following a successful inaugural event in 2012. The evening provided an opportunity for young arbitration practitioners from numerous arbitration practices, chambers and institutions to meet and network with their peers in a relaxed environment and to develop their existing contacts in the arbitration community.
The event is aimed at associates in private practice, barristers, academics and others under 40, engaged in arbitration work. Please contact YAP Music and Drinks to be added to the mailing list for future Herbert Smith Freehills YAP events.
Key contacts

Simon Chapman KC
Partner, Regional Head of Practice - Dispute Resolution, Asia, Global Co-Head of International Arbitration, Hong Kong

Andrew Cannon
Partner, Global Co-Head of International Arbitration and of Public International Law, London

Christian Leathley
Partner, Co-Head of the Latin America Group, Co-Head of the Public International Law Group, US Head of International Arbitration, London
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