Herbert Smith Freehills disputes experts have authored two regional chapters in the Global Law and Business Arbitration of M&A Transactions: A Practical Global Guide.
The firm's Head of Dispute Resolution, Asia and Japan Managing Partner Peter Godwin, and Tokyo-based trainee solicitor John Ribeiro have worked together to produce the Japan chapter, while Greater China Managing Partner Justin D'Agostino and Hong Kong-based partner May Tai co-authored the Hong Kong and China chapters.
The guide provides legal and practical guidance from leading experts in the field of international arbitration on the key types of disputes likely to arise from M&A transactions. It offers procedural and tactical tips for arbitration arising from these disputes and also covers the fundamental questions of arbitrability, confidentiality, freedom to choose governing law and enforceability in 20 key jurisdictions.
For further information on the guide or to purchase a copy please visit www.globelawandbusiness.com/ama
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