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The European Securities and Markets Authority has published three explanatory notes pulling together the relevant guidance on three fundamental concepts of the EU Sustainable Finance framework, being the use of estimates, the relationship between sustainable investments and investment in Taxonomy-aligned economic activities and the "do no significant harm" principle. These concepts are used in the Taxonomy Regulation, the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation and the Benchmarks Regulation in relation to the two climate benchmarks.

  • On 22 November 2023, the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) published three explanatory notes on topics which relate to the EU Sustainable Finance framework on:
  • The use of estimates and equivalent information under the EU Taxonomy Regulation (TR), the EU Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) and the Benchmarks Regulation (BMR);
  • Sustainable investments under SFDR and investments in Taxonomy-aligned economic activities under TR; and
  • The "do no significant harm" (DNSH) principle under SFDR, TR and BMR.
    • The notes do not contain any new guidance but are meant to provide a comprehensive overview of all guidance and explanations provided by various European authorities until today. This is a welcome support to the financial services industry which has struggled to keep on top of the many different Q&As, briefings, guidelines and statements issued by European authorities since SFDR was enacted on 10 March 2023. It also serves one of the overarching topics identified by the European Commission in its ongoing consultation on a review of SFDR, being interoperability between different components of the EU Sustainable Finance framework (for more information see our blog post here).
    • We have summarized each of the notes in a table set out below:

Use of estimates and "equivalent information"

  • Due to their different purpose and their genesis at different development stages of the EU Sustainable Finance framework, each of TR, SFDR and BMR use a different concept for the use of estimated ESG data. This is why the European Supervisory Authorities (ESAs) have suggested to simplify and align the concept of "equivalent information" under SFDR in their consultation on reviewing the SFDR implementing provisions which ran until 4 July 2023 (for more information see our blog post here). As an example, it would be currently possible to classification an investment as Taxonomy-aligned under SFDR based on "equivalent information" while this data cannot be considered for the same classification under TR.
  • The table below summarizes the guidance provided by ESMA and contains some additional information based on our practical experience:
  Taxonomy Regulation (TR) Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) Benchmarks Regulation (BMR)
Who uses the concept? All undertakings required to publish a non-financial statement under EU sustainability reporting rules (NFRD/CSRD)[1] FMPs when making disclosures on (i) Taxonomy-aligned investments or (ii) principal adverse impacts of investment decisions on sustainability factors (PAI) in a financial product Benchmark administrators, in particular for EU Climate Transition Benchmarks (EU CTBs) and EU Paris-aligned Benchmarks (EU PABs)
What is the concept? "Estimates" covers all data which is not publicly reported under NFRD/CSRD by the investee company
  • "Equivalent information" is data relating to Taxonomy-aligned investments which is not publicly reported under NFRD/CSRD and received either from the investee company or third parties
  • "Estimates" relates to data on PAI indicators obtained by carrying out additional research, cooperating with third party data providers or external experts or making reasonable assumptions
Distinction between reported and estimated data when disclosing the data sources used
When is the concept applied? As a basis for voluntary reporting on the Taxonomy eligibility or Taxonomy alignment of investments in companies not reporting under NFRD/CSRD
  • "Equivalent information" can be used where publicly reported data on investee companies which are not subject to NFRD/CSRD is not available
  • "Estimates" can be used in the context of PAI if (i) PAI indicators require the use of estimates or (ii) data from the investee company is not available and the FMP relies on estimates instead
Benchmark administrators must disclose data sources used and whether data is estimated or reported
What are the requirements for applying the concept?
  • Estimates can only be used for voluntary reporting
  • Voluntary reporting may not contradict, misrepresent or outweigh mandatory reporting based on publicly reported data
  • Voluntary reporting needs to contain information on the basis for the voluntary reporting, method for preparation and distinction from mandatory reporting is required
  • "Equivalent information" may only be used provided the following requirements are met: (i) it can only be used for activities which are included in the EU Taxonomy delegated acts, (ii) the substantial contribution assessment should rely on actual information, (iii) DNSH can be assessed based on equivalent information but may not limited to controversy-based approaches
  • When using "equivalent information" FMPs must provide reasons and the use should be limited and produce a prudent outcome
  • If using "estimates" for PAI, FMPs should as good practice disclose the proportion of investments for estimates have been used
  • Benchmark administrators must disclose standards and sources of data used
  • Disclosure on standards can include main assumptions and precautionary principles underlying estimations and percentage of reported vs. estimated data
  • Benchmark administrators of EU CTBs and EU PABs must disclose their research methodology to estimate missing, underreported or unreported greenhouse gas emissions

Sustainable investments and investments in Taxonomy-aligned economic activities

The differences and the relationship between sustainable investments under Art. 2 no. 17 SFDR and investments in Taxonomy-aligned economic activities under Art. 3 TR (also called "environmentally sustainable activities") has been a constant point of agitation since SFDR came into force. The European Commission has recently helped to calm the waves a bit by confirming that investments in Taxonomy-aligned economic activities are always sustainable investments and that no additional assessments are required under SFDR (provided that the entire investment is made in a Taxonomy-aligned economic activity). For more information on this so-called "safe harbour" see our blog here.

We have summarized ESMA's explanation of the parameters of each of the concepts below:

  Taxonomy Regulation (TR) Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR)
Who uses the concept?  All undertakings required to publish a non-financial statement under NFRD/CSRD FMPs that offer financial products under SFDR which make sustainable investments
What is the concept? A Taxonomy-aligned economic activity must meet the following cumulative criteria:

  • Substantial contribution to one or more environmental objectives under TR (as measured by the respective technical screening criteria (TSC) under the TR delegated acts)
  • No significant harm to other environmental objectives under TR (as measured by the respective technical screening criteria (TSC) under the TR delegated acts)
  • Compliance with certain minimum safeguards (alignment with the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and the UN Guiding Principles for Business and Human Rights)
A sustainable investment must meet the following cumulative criteria:

  • Contribution to an environmental or social objective chosen by the FMP
  • No significant harm to any environmental or social objective (as determined using the PAI indicators and alignment with international standards)
  • Good governance practised by the investee company
When is the concept applied? The determination is made by the reporting undertaking for each of its economic activities and relates only to environmental objectives The determination is made by the FMP for each of the investments in a financial product under SFDR and relates to either environmental or social objectives
What are the requirements for applying the concept?
  • Delegated acts complementing TR in relation to the six environmental objectives contain sector-specific and science-based TSC per economic activity (for more information on the delegated acts complementing the climate objectives and establishing the TSC for the other four environmental objectives see our blog post here)
  • TSC contain both thresholds and targets which need to be met by the respective economic activity
  • FMP is responsible for defining the specific requirements applied to sustainable investments and there are no prescribed thresholds or targets (for more information see our blog post here)Disclosures on sustainable investments must include descriptions and explanations on the parameters of a sustainable investment as follows: (i)  description of how the sustainable investment contributes to one or more sustainable investment objectives, (ii) explanation of how the DNSH principle is complied with (i.e. how PAI indicators have been taken into account and how the investment is aligned with the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, and (iii) description of how the investee companies' good governance practices are ensured

The DNSH principle under TR, SFDR and BMR

The DNSH principle is an important element of the EU Sustainable Finance framework. It stems from the principle of double materiality embedded throughout the framework (e.g. also in the new European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS), see our blog post here). It requires undertakings and FMPs to assess not only financially material risks and opportunities for the undertaking or the investment, but also the impact caused on the external stakeholders such as the environment, workers or communities. Named (almost) the same under all three regulations, the concepts underlying DNSH in these three regulations differ significantly which has been a constant cause for confusion in the market.

We have summarized ESMA's explanation of the DNSH concepts under TR, SFDR and BMR below:

Main questions Taxonomy Regulation (TR) Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) Benchmarks Regulation (BMR)
Who uses the concept? All undertakings that are required to publish a non-financial statement under NFRD/CSRD FMPs that offer financial products under SFDR making sustainable investments Benchmark administrators of EU CTBs and EU PABs.
What is the concept? DNSH assessment is applied at the level of the economic activity and checks compliance with the TSC for DNSH defined for the respective economic activity in the TR delegated acts DNSH assessment is applied at the level of the investment and is based on two elements, being (i) taking into account PAI for the investment and (ii) ensuring alignment of the investee company with the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and the UN Guiding Principles for Business and Human Rights
  • Applies at the level of the company included in the benchmark portfolio
  • Exclusion of companies: (i) being involved in tobacco or controversial weapons), (ii) having committed violations of international standards or (iii) causing significant harm to the TR objectives (both EU CTB and EU PAB)
  • For EU PAB: exclusion of companies involved in certain fossil fuel activities
When is the concept applied? As part of the assessment whether an economic activity is Taxonomy-aligned (see above Section 0) As part of the assessment whether an investment in a financial product qualifies as sustainable investment When constructing and adjusting the EU CTB or EU PAB portfolio
What are the requirements for applying the concept?
  • DNSH is assessed on the basis of the activity-specific TSC set out in the TR delegated act focusing on the six environmental objectives under TR
  • It is important to keep in mind that DNSH under TR is complemented by social safeguards contained in the so-called "Minimum Safeguards" concept set out in Art. 18 TR
  • European Commission has clarified that investments made in Taxonomy-aligned economic activities do not in addition have to meet the DNSH requirements under SFDR (this is covered by DNSH under TR and the Minimum Safeguards under Art. 18 TR) (see our respective blog post here)
  • Using PAI indicators is mandatory, at least those in Table 1 Annex I of Commission Delegated Regulation 2022/1288 (SFDR RTS)
  • SFDR and SFDR RTS do not prescribe any specific thresholds for the PAI indicators, it is up to the FMP to define them (ESAs have recommended to use DNSH TSC as orientation)
  • Financial products passively tracking an EU PAB or an EU are deemed to be making sustainable investments
Benchmark administrators must ensure that the portfolios used for EU PAB or EU CTB do not contain any companies which should be excluded as described above

Less or more confusion?

It remains to be seen whether these notes will help to chart the growing jungle of regulatory guidance, explanations and clarifications. It is definitely a good starting point to assemble such information based on concepts rather than on the date of their publication. However, some of the statements made show that ESMA is also struggling to identify a path in the undergrowth and provide clear information on the three concepts – an unfortunate situation very well known to many market participants.

[1] See our latest posts on non-financial reporting here.

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Heike Schmitz

Partner, Co-Head ESG EMEA, Germany

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Shantanu Naravane

Partner, London

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Heike Schmitz

Partner, Co-Head ESG EMEA, Germany

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Shantanu Naravane

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