Every deal or transaction carries with it the risk of a dispute. Successful businesses require lawyers that can pre-empt the issues that may surface, take steps to minimise them and then react quickly and effectively when a dispute arises.
We routinely assist our clients with pre-emptive advice on potentially contentious aspects of major corporate and financial transactions. If a dispute arises, we help our clients to navigate all types of largescale commercial litigation on a global basis. Through our depth of industry knowledge across a diverse range of sectors we give our clients business ready advice that enables them to approach a dispute, confident that we will guide them to the most commercial resolution.
Our clients range from multinational corporations and major financial institutions through to governments and high-profile individuals. We tailor our advice to the nature of the dispute and the appetite of the client. We appreciate there is often the need to maintain an ongoing relationship with the opponent and that there is a time to hit hard and a time to take a more measured approach. Alternative Dispute Resolution is an integral tool in our kit and we regularly resolve disputes through settlement negotiations and mediation.
Our ability to collaborate between offices and to quickly draw together large international teams means our clients benefit from 24 hour attention on time sensitive matters.
Our full service offering extends beyond traditional legal advice. Our Global Alternative Legal Services business offers cost effective technological solutions for document intensive cases. Our in-house global advocacy capability means our advocates play a critical role in the strategy of the dispute from the outset and minimise the cost and time involved in instructing external counsel.