Ana is an expert in insurance and digital law.
She has wide experience in cross-border disputes involving civil, criminal and regulatory proceedings and is familiar with mediation and arbitration processes, including investment disputes. She also has experience in insurance coverage disputes in the energy, construction and engineering, transport, product liability and D&O sectors, particularly, in cyber risk related issues.
With extensive knowledge of regulated markets, she particularly focuses on the aeronautical, financial, cyber, crypto and insurance regulation. Specialised in cyber insurance, new technologies and associated risks, and crypto assets (regulation and disputes), she has the role of "Emerging technology leader" for the Madrid office and member of the "Global Cyber Network" of the firm.
She is a member, and representative for the Madrid office, of the "Mental Health Champion SteerCo West Committee" and the "EMEA Iris Committee", cross-jurisdictional committees to promote mental health and diversity in the workplace.
Key recent publications
- "Criptoderecho. La regulación de Blockchain. Capítulo 5: Criptolitigios. Práctica jurisprudencial relacionada con criptoactivos" (Cryptolaw. The Regulation of Blockchain. Chapter 5: Crypto-litigation. Case law practice related to cryptoassets), pending publication by Wolters Kluwer
- "Negligencia grave por el uso de la Inteligencia Artificial: ¿están nuestras pólizas preparadas?" (Gross negligence for the use of Artificial Intelligence: are our policies prepared?), Revista AGERS – Observatorio de Riesgos (July 2023)
- "Las autoridades supervisoras europeas advierten de los riesgos del 'greenwashing'" (European supervisory authorities warn of the risks of 'greenwashing'), Revista La Ley Mercantil (no. 103, June 2023) by Wolters Kluwer
- "Consulta sobre los criterios para proveedores externos de tic críticos en el marco del reglamento de resiliencia operativa 'DORA'" (Consultation on the criteria for external critical ICT providers under the 'DORA' operational resilience regulation), Revista La Ley Mercantil (no. 103, June 2023) by Wolters Kluwer
- "Recomendación de EIOPA en relación con la distribución de seguros de protección de pagos a la luz de la sentencia del TJUE de 2 de febrero de 2023" (Recommendation of EIOPA in relation to the distribution of payment protection insurance in the light of the CJEU ruling of 2 February 2023), Revista La Ley Mercantil (no. 101, April 2023) by Wolters Kluwer
- "Francia establece la obligación de denunciar un ciberataque como requisito para poder cobrar la indemnización del seguro" (France establishes the obligation to report a cyber-attack as a requirement to be able to collect insurance compensation), Revista La Ley Mercantil (no. 99, February 2023) by Wolters Kluwer
- "Nueva regulación francesa sobre ciberataques y seguros" (New French regulation on cyber-attacks and insurance), Sector update: Derecho digital y TMT núm. 2 – febrero 2023
- "Jurisprudencia sobre pagos al acreedor aparente en casos de ciberataque" (Jurisprudence on payments to the apparent creditor in cases of cyber-attack), Sector update: Derecho digital y TMT núm. 2 – febrero 2023
- "Jurisprudencia de la Audiencia Nacional sobre estafa con criptomonedas" (Jurisprudence of the Audiencia Nacional on cryptocurrency fraud), Sector update: Derecho digital y TMT núm. 1 – diciembre 2022
Ana has a Law degree (Extraordinary Award) from Universitat Internacional de Catalunya and a master's degree in Administrative law from UNED (Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia). She speaks Spanish and Catalan (bilingual) and is highly fluent in English and French. She is admitted in the Ilustre Colegio de la Abogacía de Madrid (ICAM) and is a member of Asociación de Jóvenes Profesionales del Seguro (AJPS).
Experience & expertise
Selected matters
- a real estate company on a potential claim against its professional liability policy related to loss arising from a fraud committed through cyber-related event
- a Spanish financial services group on a potential claim against the parent's company PI policy related to loss arising from a data leakage event
- an international automotive components manufacturer on crisis management advice related to a cyber incident and coverage under the corporate crime insurance policy
- an international telecom and aerospace company on the design and negotiation of a composite international insurance and reinsurance programme in the context of the launch of a new satellite
- an aeronautical company and its insurers on their defence in the criminal and civil proceedings following a fatal air crash in Madrid
- a multinational textile manufacturing and distribution company on the analysis of the internal good policies and practice on cybersecurity including coverage under the cyber and D&O insurance policies
- a global telecommunications company on the legal options for the distribution of insurance to consumers through its retail premises network
- an international oil & gas group on the proceedings for the creation of a captive in Luxembourg
- the third-party liability insurer of a public body, against a judicial claim brought by a concessionaire company, for alleged loss of profit resulting from delays in the administrative procedure for the concession to operate a petrol station