Total 131 Results for:
Showing 60 out of 131 results
12 June 2018
Qld rehab reforms roll on with potential impacts for liquidators
3 May 2018
National Energy Guarantee: Will it keep the lights on?
17 April 2018
Ipso facto law reform: public consultation commences on exceptions to the stay
13 April 2018
Herbert Smith Freehills advises Synergy on its Bright Energy Investments joint venture with DIF and CBUS
6 April 2018
Herbert Smith Freehills celebrates as major infrastructure transactions recognised
16 February 2018
Release of National Energy Guarantee Consultation Paper
7 February 2018
BEAR Bill has passed both Houses of Parliament today
6 December 2017
Queensland Election: What happens to the Sunshine State’s renewable energy projects?
21 November 2017
Herbert Smith Freehills advises PTTGL Investment on the acquisition of a stake in Petronas' ninth liquefaction train at Malaysian LNG complex
20 November 2017
Victorian Renewable Energy Target (VRET) Auction Scheme now taking bids
6 November 2017
Infrastructure trends - #9: A return to heavy handed regulation?
28 September 2017
BEAR exposure draft released – are you ready?
Showing 60 out of 131 results
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