Total 10 Results for:
Showing 10 out of 10 results
25 June 2019
The view from Brussels - Can the Backstop be Renegotiated?
27 July 2018
INSIDE ARBITRATION: Spotlight on Amal Bouchenaki
21 February 2018
Spotlight article: Thierry Tomasi
21 February 2018
Enforcing in France a foreign award that has been set aside at the seat of arbitration
21 February 2018
A shake-up of the system of investment treaty arbitration: What does the future hold?
2 August 2017
Managing an Arbitration: Top tips for in-house counsel
31 July 2017
Arbitrating telecoms disputes: Dispute Resolution choices in a regulated sector
17 July 2017
The Client Perspective: an interview with Jo Cross, Assistant General Counsel for Dispute Resolution and Special Projects, BP
25 May 2017
Emergency arbitrators and expedited tribunals in construction disputes - some recent experience
1 July 2016
Inside Arbitration: Spotlight on Andrew Cannon
Showing 10 out of 10 results